Night 2

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(Carrie's POV)

I woke up on my own. I laid there staring at the ceiling thinking about last night's dream. It was interesting talking to Plushtrap. I thought over everything he had said. About the kid, about the old diner... about my eyes. 

I sat up and checked my mirror. My eyes were there normal yellow color with white pupils. I sighed and started to change my clothes. I put on a dark blue no sleeved shirt with a dark purple sweater on top. I slipped into damaged skinny jeans and blue high tops.

I pulled my hair into two side ponytails. I looked at myself. I looked tired I noticed. My faced showed no emotions my eyes gave the appearance of me not being there which wasn't really wrong but still. I turned on the Nightmare vision and looked at myself. I looked like myself but without color. Oddly enough I could see a large figure standing next to me. Nightmare was to tall to see him entirely in the mirror. I could only see his large stomach. I turned to look next to me. Nothing. 

I turned off the Nightmare vision and he was gone. "Odd" I said. Indeed came Nightmare's voice in my head. I heard the door to the R.V slam open. I walked over to my door and peeked around the corner. My dad stumbled around the room looking for something. I could practically smell the alcohol coming from him. I couldn't see anything good coming out of this. I backed into my room and opened the secret hatch in the floor. My emergency escape in case of a drunk father.

I slipped through the hatch and closed it behind me. I crawled out from under the cargo truck and walked through the junk yard. I crawled through an old monster truck tire. Because why not? I then climbed up the mountains of junk. You'd be surprised what people would leave at a junk yard. Lot's of spare parts and metal bits that could have so many different uses. I liked to make things out of the pieces of scrap people left around here. I walked down to the river that ran through the junk yard. People dump their garbage into the river all the time. I found my Golden Freddy plush down in that river. I sat at the bank and watched the junk float by. I was surprisingly soothing to watch junk float down a river.

The sun was starting to set. We would have to go soon. I hesitantly stood up and made my way back to my home. I crawled in through my escape hatch. I grabbed my backpack which was still packed from last night. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked to the truck. My dad was in the bathroom. I could hear him throwing up. "How drunk were you?" I said quietly to myself. I opened the door and went to the truck. I climbed into the back and made space for me amoungst the junk. I sat there for a minute before hearing the R.V door slam open. I watched my dad stumble across to the truck and wobbled into the drivers seat. 

I heard him swear as he fumbled with keys. Finally the truck started and we left the junk yard. After what felt like ages of driving in both lanes and getting almost hit several times we finally made it to Freddy's. I jumped out as soon as we entered the parking lot. I walked to the door of the building and went inside. My dad actually made it here with an hour to spare. I went over to the stage and looked at the three animatronics there. "Hey" I heard someone say. I looked at the employee next to me. "You cleaned the animatronics yesterday right?" He asked. I nodded. He held out a bucket full of soapy water. "Would mind cleaning them again tonight?" I grabbed the bucket and climbed onto the stage. I dipped the sponge into the soapy water and began to clean the animatronics.

I had them cleaned up in no time. After a while I went to the corner of the prize counter and sat there. I pulled out my sketch book and decided to draw the three animatronics on the stage. My dad had wobbled in earlier and i wasn't to keen on sitting in the same office space as him. Hopefully he'll be to drunk to notice I'm gone I thought. Hopefully he's to drunk to survive the night Nightmare said. I nodded in agreement. I sat wedged between the prize counter and the Marionette's box. I sat there drawing until suddenly the lights flickered off in play area. "You might want to be getting on over to the office." An employee passing me said. I nodded and smiled. I got up and walked down that way just for good measure. I watched as the lights of the building flickered off one by one. I slipped into one of the party rooms by the office and sat underneath the camera so my dad couldn't see me.

These are my friends (A Five Nights At Freddy's Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin