A day with Mangle

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(Carrie's POV)

It was dark in the house. Was it this dark last time? After waking up again in the room I immediately went out and towards the front door. I heard what sounded like footsteps behind me. I turned round. Nothing. 

"Weird" I said and continued towards the door. I reached for the door and turned the knob. It opened widely into a black void of nothing but a path. I walked down the path and towards the diner I went to yesterday. When I got there I noticed a large tree. The tree seemed mostly dead or dying. 

I pushed open the door to the diner. Everything was the same as the other night. I wanted to explore the diner. I wandered around the tables and towards the stage. I noticed that there were animatronics walking around. But they weren't moving as stiffly as the ones on the stage. I walked closer to one of the animatronics on the ground. As I got closer I noticed the costume seemed to move a like is was to big for whatever was on the inside. I looked into the eyes of the animatronic. I laughed a little. They're just people in suits I thought. My thought seemed to echo through the diner.

I left the man in the suit and went over to the stage. These were real animatronics. I could see the wires and metal bits through the gaps in the suits. They're movements were stiffer than the newer animatronics. Most likely due to the fact that this technology must be older than the other animatronics I thought. 

Suddenly everything began to fade in and out. I looked around frantically trying to figure out what was happening. Then everything faded to black.

I woke up with a jolt. I felt someone rubbing my shoulder. "Hey there hon." Said a voice. I looked around and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I noticed a girl with bright red hair looking at me. She was wearing a Freddy Fazbear uniform. "What are you doing here so early?" She asked me rubbing my shoulder lightly. "Um m-my dad he's uh..." I started trying to put the words together. My brain was still trying to wake up. "My dad is the... the night guard." I said finally. "Oh really?" The employee said a look of concern entering her eyes. "And is he still here?" She asked? "No he left at six." I said yawning and rubbing my eyes. "He forgot i was here." The employee frowned. 

"My name is Alex." The employee said sweetly. "Carrie." I said finally starting to wake up. "Do you need anything to eat? To drink?" Alex asked kneeling down so she was eye level with me. It was then that I realized how hungry I really was. I tried to remember the last time I ate. I had some breakfast Monday and a small lunch. I didn't eat dinner and we went straight to Freddy's after I woke up. I hadn't eaten since lunch on Monday. Geez. "Um yeah something to eat would be great." I said quietly. Alex smiled and went to the kitchen. I sat up and arched my back. I was still exhausted. I looked at the clock. I wonder how long people left me sleeping here. Judging by the smells coming from the kitchen I guessed a while.It was almost seven. Almost an hour before someone decided to wake me up.

I arched my back raising my arms up towards the ceiling. I looked at the animatronics on stage. The toys were back in there places. I looked over at the kids cove. Mangle was laying in her normal tangled mess. The Marionette's music box was still playing. The day shift security guard must keep it wound up during the day. Or was there a different employee the wound it?

Alex came back with a slice of normal cheese pizza. "I know it's not the best breakfast but it's all we have" she said apologetically. "It's fine" I mumbled. I took a bite and tried not to crinkle my nose. After eating Chica's pizza this stuff seemed worse than before. Alex put a small cup of water in front of me and I took a small sip. "So what was it like last night?" Alex asked sitting across from me. I swallowed another bite of pizza before answering. "What do you mean?" "Well..."Alex started. "Some of the employees have heard rumors that the animatronics move around at night trying to kill the night guard." I took another bite of pizza waiting for her to continue. After a short moment of silence she obliged. "We've also had night guards disappear during the night." Alex said leaning forward. "So you were here during the night right?" I took another small sip of water before nodding. "Yes" I said quietly. "So what's it like?" Alex asked eagerly. I was quiet. Do I tell her the truth? I thought. Toy Chica seemed so freaked out when I first found out what happened during the night shift.

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