New nightmares

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(Nightmare Freddy's POV)
I looked at Chica and Bonnie who were standing next to me. Foxy stood next to Bonnie. It wasn't hard to tell we were all uneasy. When Nightmare Fredbear called upon you it wasn't usually for a good reason.

"What do you think he wants Freddy?" Chica whispered to me. I simply shrugged. I knew that Fredbear hadn't been particularly happy that the original child had been able to keep us at bay for so long. Now Carrie was here and Nightmare, Fredbear's MVP had gone missing. Needless to say whatever it was that he couldn't be good.

Bonnie shifted uncomfortably as Fredbear finally came around the corner. His whole demeanor seemed angry. Then again he never looked anything but angry. "I have to say I am very disappointed in you four" He said crossing his arms behind his back in a business like manner. "You used to be good at killing that boy." "In our defense he has been doing this for a long time now" Bonnie said meekly. "He has learned our techniques." "And he doesn't always survive" Chica added hopefully. Fredbear simply looked at us. They went silent.

"Not only have you failed in killing the boy, but you have also failed to bring me the girl...Carrie was it?" He continued pacing back in forth in front of us. "Plushtrap hasn't..." I started. Fredbear roared "One more of you interrupts me and you will not appreciate the outcome." We fell silent fearing what punishment Fredbear would have planned for us. "Plushtrap wasn't meant to be a big killer. Half the time he barely gets of that chair" Fredbear said turning his back to us. He looked out the window at the inky blackness outside. "Not only that...Nightmare has remained missing. And not one of you have any idea where he went to." No one said anything as Fredbear turned his head to look at us.

"She thinks this is a game" He said crossing his arms. He closed his eyes and stood in silence before turning back to us. "Then it's time to bring in some new players." As he said it five new animatronics rounded the corner. Foxy growled and Bonnie took a step back. Chica gasped and I could only stare. "Now then" Fredbear started. "You five may go." "Five sir?" Chica said as he lifted Plushtrap from the ground and tossed him at her. "Hey what did I do!?" He shouted as she caught him. "You four...leave" Fredbear growled.

The four of us quietly walked out of the house. I waited for everyone to leave before taking one last look at Fredbear. He looked back saying nothing. I left the house and the door slamed loudly behind us. "Freddy what do we do?" Chica asked still holding Plushtrap who was swiping at Carl in her other hand. Carl was growling back. I sighed "What can we do?" "Are we going to just let Carrie deal with those new animatronics?" Bonnie asked shifting from one foot to the other. "We have to Bonnie" Foxy said. "Unless you want to become one of Fredbear's little projects." We all shuddered at the thought. "Let's go to the diner" I said after a minute of silence. "We'll figure out the rest later." We began walking begrudgingly to the diner. I took one last look at the house before heading that way to.

(Carrie's POV)
I woke up on the floor this time. I slowly sat up, my body ached from being on the rough ground. I picked up the flash light the was laying on the ground next to me. I flicked it on and off once to make sure it worked.

"Ok back at it again in the strange house with effed up animatronics. Nothing new." I said to myself. "Something is off "Nightmare's voice rang in my head. His voice seemed louder here than it did in the pizzeria. "What do you mean by off?" I asked checking the bed for the Freddy plushies. No where to be found. "I don't know yet" Nightmare said. "Don't leave the room until I can figure it out." And with that he went silent. "Ok. Don't leave the room. Gotcha." I said as I peeked out of the right hallway door.

After a long hour of silence I finally heard the clock chime one. "That took longer than usual" I said stretching my back. "It's really quiet here tonight" I said. As if on cue I heard the sound of heavy footsteps outside the right door. Finally I thought relieved. I peeked out of the door. I immediately sensed something was wrong. For one I could see an eerie orange light at the end of the hall. "Bonnie?" I called. No answer. "He didn't" Nightmare growled. I turned on my flashlight. There was a animatronic bunny at the end of the hall but it certainly wasn't Bonnie. The animatronic had no visible insides like the other animatronics did. Just an eerie orange light glowing from inside it. I quickly pulled myself back inside the room as the animatronic slipped around the corner.

"Nightmare what was that?" I asked backing away from the door. Before he could answer I heard more footsteps from the other hall. I peeked out and shined my flashlight. I got a quick look at the animatronic before she slipped around the hall. It was a chicken like Chica but it was glowing like the bunny and instead of holding the half terrifying half adorable Carl the cupcake, she was holding an eerie jack 'o lantern that was also eerily glowing orange.

I took a deep breath in and released it. Other than their appearances the two new acted a lot like Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Chica. Maybe a bit more aggressive but their patterns were relatively the same. "Nightmare?" I asked again hoping for an answer. "Fredbear has this group of nightmare animatronics. He made them many years ago but never used them." He was silent for a moment. I waited patiently while holding the door shut. Then Nightmare continued "He modeled them after some of the new animatronics. They are a lot more aggressive and meant to be as a last resort. Yet the other animatronics usually did a good enough job." "Anything I should know about these new animatronics?" I asked.  "The Bonnie and Chica act the same just more aggressive. There will be one in the closet that acts just like Foxy. The only one you really need to worry about is the..." Nightmare stopped. "Nightmare?" I asked. "I will warn you if it comes near" He said. He then just went silent.

"Ok then" I said. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around in time to see the closet door close. I took a quick peek down both hallways before slowly moving towards the closet door. I shone my light inside. The animatronics made a hissing noise making me scream. I shut the closet door and tried to regulate my breathing. My brain was trying to calm itself when it hit me. "Mangle?" I said to no one in particular. I peeked inside the closest and shined my flashlight inside. It was Mangle alright. Like the other animatronics she was torn up and broken looking. She had large sharp teeth and claws. I shut the closet door shut and kept it shut until she turned into a plushie like Foxy did. "Ok" I said as I went back to the hallway door. "So far so good."

It went pretty good for maybe two more hours. I heard the clock chime three. "Tonight just goes on forever" I groaned. I checked the right door. I didn't hear any breathing but something felt off.  "Close the door" Nightmare said. The first thing he said in a few hours. I quickly shut the door. After a minute he said "You're safe." I opened the door and peeked out. Clear. Just like he said. I checked the other side. "Close the door" Nightmare repeated. I did as he said until he told me it was safe. This went on for several hours. I heard the clock chime five. "You're almost there Carrie" Nightmare said. "Just one more hour and you'll be good." I nodded and continued checking the doors.

I went to check  the right door. I listened for any breathing. I didn't hear breathing but I did hear...something. It sounded like music. "I know that sound" I said. "Carrie close the door." Nightmare said. I ignored him and carefully opened the door. "Carrie close the door" Nightmare said more urgently. I flicked on my flashlight. I froze. "Marionette?" In front of me was Marionette. Only now he had really long and creepy fingers and what looked like a rib cage sticking out of his chest. He had teeth in his open smile mouth and large round eyes. He was playing the song from his music box. "Carrie you have to close the door!" Nightmare shouted. But I didn't. I just stared at Marionette. "What happened to you?" I whispered. The Nightmare Marionette tilted his head curiously. Then everything went black. I looked around. "What just happened?" I asked hugging the flashlight close to me. "You should've closed the door Carrie" Nightmare said. I was about to ask why when Nightmare Marionette appeared in front of me. He was making a noise like a broken record trying to play. I screamed as everything went dark.

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