Luke's P.O.V

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned and reached over to switch my alarm off which grew more frantic by the minute. Once I'd dragged myself out of bed I stumbled across the landing and into the bathroom. As I squoze the last of toothpaste onto my toothbrush my cloudy thoughts started to clear and I realised what day it was.

21st January 2023. 10 years since my little sister, Lexi died. She was just fifteen when she died, kidnapped and forced to choose between Michael and Niall. She chose herself. If she was alive she'd be 25, probably married with kids to Michael.


My heart tears at his name, but I push those memories to the back of my head. Hoping and vowing to forget about them for now. However, I can't stop memories of this very day 10 years ago flooding into my mind.

**Flashback 10 years**

"Guys where's Michael?" He'd been missing ever since he went out to get Lexi, over twelve hours ago. My mind starts to wonder to the most terrible things. Death. Torture. 

"I've tried everybody, Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall.... well Niall isn't picking up." Ashton frowns scrolling through his contacts.

"I tried Zayn he said Niall didn't turn up to the interview this morning and there's no one at his house." Calum tells us. 

"I tried calling Mr Jones but he isn't picking up." Mum frowns walking into the living room holding a damp dishcloth. She's trying to stay calm and strong but the bags under her eyes and the defeated look etched onto her face tells us different. Last night I could here her sobbing but I didn't know what to do. Do I comfort her? Do I leave her? I decided to leave her knowing if I saw her crying I would surely cry too. 

She sits down next to me and I instinctively wrap my arms around her. Calum switched on the TV to try and distract us but a the came on reporting Niall Horan to be missing. Calum then went and switched on the PS3 but Big Little Planet was loaded. The last game Michael played when he was bored of waiting for Lexi. Tears prick at the back of my eyes. Calum shuts off the PS3. 

Then there comes a knock on the door. 

"I'll go answer it." Mum sighs and gets up off the couch. I follow her with my eyes protectively. That's when I hear Ashton sniffle. 

I turn my attention to him. "Hey Ash, mate, you okay?" 

"That's a stupid question Luke Hemmings." He trys to smile but tears are pouring out of his eyes. 

"Come here." I hold my arms open to him.

As soon as he's settled in my arms he lets it all out. "I m-m-miss them L-L-Luke. M-M-M-Michael and L-L-Lexi." He confesses.

"I miss them too." I tell him as Calum joins in on our group hug. 

"Boys, might want to come in here." Mum calls from the kitchen, her voice is shaky. 

"Coming Mum!" I shout as Calum climbs off me and Ashton wiggles out of my grasp. Together we walk to the kitchen.

And there in the kitchen stands two police officers and Michael and Niall. The police officers look grave. Michael, Mum and Niall are both crying wrecks.

There's no Lexi. "Where's Lexi?" I ask, fearing the answer.

"I'm so sorry. There was nothing we could do." The police officer says.

"It was Jones. It was him. He did it, we can give you a description, the names he used, contacts, everything." Niall tells him.

"That would be great thank you sir, but I'd rather give you time to fully grieve your loss first." The officer pats Niall on the shoulder. 

"To grieve our loss?" Calum asks. Sometimes he is really dumb.

"SHE'S DEAD CALUM. LEXI IS DEAD." Michael screams.

**Flashback Over**

"No!" I shout, clearing the memory from my mind. After we were told the horrible news I crashed, hit rock bottom. I had breakdowns nearly every day, every single object I would look at reminded me of her. I had to take sessions with a therapist and we finished them when she thought I was stable enough to carry on on my own. However I still visit her on the year anniversary of her death. 

I dress in a plain white t-shirt and lose jeans. Long gone are the days where I would wear those black skinny jeans with the hole one knee and band shirts. I got a few tattoos, two on my left arm, one on my right and one on my back. The one on my back is dedicated to Lexi. I pull the back of my t-shirt up the examine the tattoo. 

Lexi Hemmings 20-11-1997 ---- 21-01-2013. Always.

I got the quote always because when we read Harry Potter together she cried at the line in the last book. Back then I never got why she cried but now I do. Even though Lily was dead Snape still loved her, he never stopped loving her. 

I pull te t-shirt down and walk down the stairs. I got my own home when I was twenty. I've had a few girlfriends but none of them seem The One. After Lexi died we toured with One Direction and did our own concerts. On the 2nd of December we released our debut album which went straight to number one in Australia. Over 10 years we've created five albums, two of them going to number one in Australia and another one going to number one worldwide!!!! We've made fifteen singles and eight of those have gone to number one!! 

However, we were all getting old and new boyband after new boyband kept coming in and getting the girls' attention, making our fans get smaller everyday. In 2019 we called it a day.

I pull on a leather jacket, grab my car keys and walk out the door. 



omg guys I missed you so so so so much. Thank you if you're reading this :D

I feel like a lot of you fell out with me because I ended OSL on a cliffhanger... I'm sorry.

To all the people who asked me to write a sequel here you gooooo!!!!

I know I told you all I was going to write a Calum fanfiction but all your comments made me want to write a sequel so badly.... so here we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you all love me now!!!

I love you.


okay, stay supermegafoxyawesome guys!!! 

love ya 

what do you think??? please let me know :D

predictions??? Let me know please :D

tumblr : 5secsofasdfghjkl

instagram: 5secsoflouist

twitter: @Dani1D5SOS 

see you in a bit :)

~Dani :)

10 Years On ~ OSL Sequel.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant