Niall's P.O.V

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As I entered the old abandoned shop people stopped and stared. Then when they saw it was only me they all let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Hi Niall, how are you?" Roshie, the designer for my plan walked up to me. Roshie is darked skinned with braided hair and amazing chocolate eyes. She's wearing plain blue skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt. 

"I'm good thanks. How's the plan coming along?" I ask her. 

"It's all good. Jerry has just set up in the kitchen so he'll be all good for tonight. You really sure about this? Do you realise how much money this has cost you?" She asks me, biting her bottom lip worridly.

"Yes, I'm sure. She's the one and I know it." I smile as I take in what they've done with the old shop. 

"And what are you planning to do with this building after the proposal?" She asks me.

"Jerry can have it. Or someone can." I shrug.

So you're probably wondering what my plan is.

Well you see when I first met Ellie it was in a music store and I had come into to buy a new guitar for our tour..........

Flashback *****

I opened the door to the old music shop and stepped inside. The contrast from the bitter coldness outside to the warm cosiness to the shop was shocking. It almost took my breath away. But not as much as when I saw the girl behind the till, listening to the music being played in the shop. She mindlessly tapped out the beat on the counter. 

"Ellie, do I have to tell you any more times??? Stop with that tapping I can't think straight!" The manager shouted from out the back. I knew the manager quite well, but he can be really moody at times. Ellie blushed deep scarlett and sat on her hands. 

"Can I help you?" She asked when she noticed me staring.

"Oh.... er..... yes. I was looking for a new guitar...." I snap out of my trance. 

"Acoustic or electric?" She stands up from her seat. 

"Acoustic, I think." I nod.

"Follow me." She ducks underneath the counter and walks away to a far corner of the shop. I follow her. 

"Here's your selection sir." She gestures to racks upon racks of acoustic guitars. 

"Thank you." I give her my best smile. 

"No problem, call me if you need any help." She rewards me with a smile back and walks back to the counter. 

That day I managed to get an acoustic guitar, the day after I decided I needed an electric one so I had to visit the shop again. For about three weeks, if I had to go out I made a detour so I could see her through the window hitting her hands off the counter to the beat of the song, pausing, then sitting on her hands. Then one day when I had 'broken my guitar strings and needed some new ones' (I actually hadn't) was when I asked her on a date. 

A couple of months later the shop shut down and when she had nowhere else to go, naturally I offered a place at mine. It took her a bit of persuading but she accepted the offer. And now we're here. 

Flashback over ***

So my plan?

I'm turning the old derelict building that used to be the old music shop into a restaraunt where I will propose to Ellie tonight! After tonight Jerry can have the restaraunt and keep it going. I've already talked to him about and he seems delighted to do so!

"Everything's fine here now go home get ready!" Roshie shoos me out the door. 


"Why are we at the old music shop? And why are there lights on inside?" Ellie asks me as I pull up outside to shop-newly-turned-restaraunt. 

"All will be revealed my love." I tell her as I hold the door open for her to get out the car. I somehow manamged her to wear a dress. Normally she wears black skinny jeans and t-shirt of bands from back in days when I was still in 1D. 

When we walked in Bruce the waiter greeted us immediately. 

"Ah, Mr Horan. Do you have a reservation?" He asks me. Even though there's only one table and the place is empty. 

"Yes I do." I pointed to a random spot on the mahogany front table. 

"Ah, I see. Come through sir. See here is where you'll be eating. I'll be out with your menus shortly." He shows us to our table and walks off, returning seconds later with menus. 

"What would you like to drink?" He whisks a pad from his belt and tugs a pen from behind his ear. 

"I'll have a pepsi please." I order.

"Yeah me too." Ellie orders quietly. 

"Calm down, love" I take Ellie's hand and rub circles on her palm with my thumb soothinglu. It always seems to calm her when I do this. 


"Ugh, I should not of eaten that chocolate cake!" Ellie exclaims leaning back in her chair and rubbing her flat stomach. 

"It did taste really good though!" I laugh. 

Just then Jerry drops a whole load of pots and pans, making an extremly loud clatter. Shocked Ellie spins round to see where the noise came from. Without hesitation I snap into action. I jump on to the floor and land in the one-kneed position and pull the ring box from my pocket, snap it open just as she turns back round. Her eyes immediatley fall to me and the ring. She gasps and her hand flies to her mouth. 

"Ellie, you are gorgeus and beautiful. I know sometimes you may not see that but you are! I love you. Your perfections, your imperfections, but they make you even more perfect. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I look deep into her eyes. 

"Yes." She whispers.

And then louder. "Yes, Niall James Horan, I will marry you!" I slide the ring onto her finger. A perfect fit!. Both of us grinning like cheshire cats we share our first and very heated kiss as an engaged couple.



okay i'm sorry for not updating yesterday but I was really ill and I'm still a bit ill now but I really wanted to put this chapter up :)

I missed you all so so so much :) and thank you for all your lovely feedback :) 

thank you for 70 votes and 700 reads!!! Thank you :) 

I don't really know what to talk about ..........................

stay supermegafoxyawesome and i love you all :) 

~Dani :D

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