Lexi's P.O.V.

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Once we had all stuffed ourselves with pizza and watched about three movies Calum stood up. "Thanks for today boys but I'd better be going." 

"Aww, noooo! Do you have to go?" Luke whines. 

"Wellllllllll..." He leaves the words hanging in the air. 

"Shall we all have a sleepover tonight?" Ash pipes up. 

"But we're. like, twenty-eight!" Michael protests. 

"Awww, c'mon Mikey lighten up a bit! We've just got you and Lexi back! I think we should have a sleepover!" Ashton persuades him. 

"Okay, okay." Mikey sighs. 

"I'll stay then!" Calum settles himself back down on the sofa. 

"Lets go and get mattresses!" Luke cheers standing up and running up the stairs. Calum and Ash leave to join him. 


Half an hour later there are three double matresses laid down on the vast living room floor. 

"I bagsy a matress for me and Lexi!" Michael jumps on onw of them a starfishes. 

"CAKE!" Calum and Luke scream instantly afterwards. 

"Oh and who am I supposed to be with?" Ash pouts. 

"Awwww join us!" Calum shouts and the smile is soon returned to Ashton's face. 

"Erm, Mikey, what am I supposed to sleep in?" I whisper to him. 

"Here." He strips off him plaid shirt and hands it to me. 

"Ash, can I use your bathroom?" I turn to him with the cloth clutched in my hand. 

"Yeah sure, second door on the left!" He points up the stairs. 

"Thanks." And with that I jog up the stairs. 

In Ash's bathroom I unbutton my blouse and unzip my skirt and slip into Michael's shirt and button it up. Luckily it covers most of me. ending mid-thigh. The sleeves that are supposed to end just above the elbow come to mid-forearm. I fold up my blouse and skirt and borrow some of Ash's mouthwash as I haven't got my toothbrush. I drag my fingers through my hair, hoping it makes it look better somehow. 

I run down stairs to find the boys all cuddled up and watching Saw, I'm not sure which one. Placing my clothes by Michael's jeans I speak up. "Isn't this a bit old?"

Four heads turn to me. I feel one pair of eyes widen as they take in my apperance. I feel his green-brown eyes drink me in as Ashton replied. "Yeah, but we always used to watch these when we got together, and we're having a marathon of them all." He grins and turns his attention back to the screen where Calum and Luke are watching. 

However those green-brown eyes are still on me. I slide in the gap next to him on the mattress, between him and Luke. He wraps his arms round my waist as I place my head on his chest. 

"Someone's been working out." I mutter as I try to find a comfortable spot on his toned chest. 

"You bet." I can feel his smirk against my ear as he whispers in a low and husky voice. 

As the movie wears on I find my face settled in the crook of his neck as the gruesome scences play. I whimper every time I hear a scream and Michael comforts me. "Hey baby, it'll be okay. I'm here." 

Halfway through the third movie and I'm still snuggled up to Michael but I've found interest on the app on my phone which lets you run your own tower. Stupid I know, but anything to keep me from watching the screen. 

But one sound tears through my wall of ignorence. A gun-shot. So similar to the one I heard ten years ago. I scream and jump. 

"Sorry, that bit was scary."  I apologise when everybody looks at me. 

Michael, however, sees through my excuse and his arms wrap tighter round my waist. 

"He's not here, he's far away from here." He whispers soothingly into my ear. His fingers play with my hair which calms me down slowly. 

"I love you Mikey." I tell him as my eyelids start to droop. 

"I love you too sweetheart." He kisses me forehead before the dark tendrils of sleep pull me under.



i'm so sorry for not updating sooner :'( 

can we talk about 5sos being home. Right okay, me being british, i find it really weird when you see photos of the boys in vest tops and short.  A part of your mind is like 'ARE YOU BLINKING CRAZY IT'S D E C E M B E R.' but then you realise all the seasons are mixed up between australia and the uk idek. 

then can we talk about ashton posting that blinking selfie when he was all sweaty liKE CaN U noT ThaNK yOU VeRy muCH. i had breathing difficulties and then he posted that selfie where he was showing off his stubble and like WHUYYYYYY nad his cute little dimples and smile. LET ME HUG HIM SOMEBODY

OKAY AND NOW THEY SAY SOMETHING IS BEING RELEASED SOON like okay that probably means in august but that's 5SOS for ya!


RIGHT OKAY. It's xmas eve tomorrow and louis' bday. (OMG I CANT BELIEVE MY SUNSHINE IS TURNING 22 I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH) but the day after that is xmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a great day and get everything you wished for !!!



stay supermegafoxyawesome :D 

~Dani :D

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