Niall's P.O.V.

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I yawned slowly waking up and sitting up in bed. Just as I wa supposed to get up two slender arms grabbed me and pulled me back down. 

"Don't leave Nialler." She whispered in my ear. Ellie, my gorgeus girlfriend and hopefully my soon to be fiance. 

I turned to face her. Her purple hair was spread out above her on the white pillow, the colours contrasting shockingly. Her blue eyes held me. They were filled with love and I'm sure my eyes mirrored hers. 

"I gotta go babe. I've got things to do." I brushed a lock of hair from her face. 

"What things?" She huffed. 

"I can't tell you. It's going to be a surprise." I kissed her lightly on the cheek. 

"Fine." She was in a mood with me. 

"You'll love me later." I smirk.

"Will I?" She asks, seemilgly slightly more interested. 

"Yes, you will." I flash her a cheeky grin. 

"I love you Niall." She sighs, her eyes closing sleepily. 

"I love you too Ellie." I kiss her lightly on the cheek. 

"Do you really have to go?" She looks at me with longing in her eyes. 

"Yes, unfortunately I do." I kiss her again on the lips and leave the bed succesfully this time. 

I slowly walk to the bedroom thinking everything through. I've had the ring since a week after Christmas and I planned to propose to her on the stroke of midnight on New Years' Eve but it never happened. 

On New Years' we had a party around Harry's, he hadn't moved house for about eleven years now so the location was easy to find. We partied the night away, dancing or curled round the massive bonfire. Everybody was laughing. I limited myself to how much alcohol I drank so I wouldn't forget and I tried to limit Ellie so she could think straight when I popped the question. Just before the stroke of midnight I dragged her deep into the forest so we could just be on our own. We sat down on a mossy log. We talked but mostly made out, Ellie giggling occasionally. I looked down and focused on the log as I tried to figure out what to say. I touched the log thoughtfully and felt something engraved in the damp wood. The way it was nearly over grown told me it had been there for quite a few years now. I traced my finger over the name. 

'Lexi'. It read.

I froze. I remember kissing Lexi Hemmings on the stroke of midnight in 2013. I remember foolishly thinking I was in love with her then. Only until she died did I realise that because I had to pretend to me in love with her meant that I actually was in love with her. When she died I was dead inside fro weeks but somehow I recovered, toured the world with the lads and when we broke up in 2016 I felt okay and I was ready to find a girl. I found Ellie. 

I was okay after me and the rest of the boys decided it was a day. I couldn't say the same for the lads from 5sos though. They threw themselves into the music, doing it for the fans. They cried fro a day and got straight back the studio, toured with us and toured on their own nearly every year. They hardly let their emotions through. They all kept their emotions in a cage and threw away the key. Only when they broke up, a few years after us, did  they crash. And they crashed hard. 

I didn't propose to Ellie that night.

"NIALL ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE ANY HOT WATER FOR ME?" Ellie hollers from in the bedroom. 

Oh yeah. I quickly pour some shampoo in my hand and massage it into my hair. 


"BYE ELLIE!" I shouted up the stairs. 

"SEE YOU LATER NIALL!" She called back. I could hear running water. 



I laughed as I shut the door behind me. Now to get tonight sorted. It has to be special, has to be different for Ellie. I had been secretly working on this for about two weeks now and it should be finised today. I dug my hands in my pockets as my breath made little cloud in front of me. 

Today was definately going to be a good day, I hope.



yes I am aware that I'm keeping you waiting with the 5sos and Alexis thing, but there we go. I gotta keep you all interested haven't I???? 

I am also aware that this is a filler I'm sorry :(

Also I promised that I would update on Sunday but my day turned out busier than planned so I didn't get time, sorry :( and then the teachers decided to set us homework yesterday so I couldn't update yesterday SORRY :(

Does anyone fancy making me a cover for this book? I asked you all if anyone could make covers in the last book and some of you did so thank you :) My twitter is @Dani1D5SOS (like I don't remind you enough lol)

so 5sos are up and about to fly to New Zealand!! 

DID YOU WATCH THE TWITCAM??? LIKE CAL DIDN'T FLASH US WHAT. BUT MICHAEL, LUKE AND CALUM DATED THE SAME GIRL. EXCUSE ME BUT SHE JUST WINS AT LIFE I'M SORRY. but Luke talked in the first three minutes :D he's becoming really confident and coming out of his shell a lot more recently and i love him for that :).

IT'S SIX WEEKS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO sorry I thought I's let you all know that. I can't bleeding wait!!!!!!!!!!!!! and 5sos might be in the same timezone as me on my birthday and they'll be awake and I'm gonna try my hardest to get a 'happy birthday' tweet off at least one of the lads :) if anyone has twitter and would like to help me on the day please do. I will love you for it and I'll give skittles :). 

Okay, I'm from Britain and I feel like everybody is watching The Pride of Britain Awards which is like a show where they notice all the brave kids and soldiers and people like that out there adn there are some amazing people out there who give you hope in humanity!!! and then there's me who's sitting in her bedroom updating her fanfiction and tweeting and looking on tumblr whislt listening to 1D. but i dont care (I LOVE IT) sorry. I had to :)

Erm can I get 40 votes and 20 comments pleeeeeeeeease??? I don't know whether you like it when people ask you to do this stuff but I'm gonna try it :) please don't hate me for it if you don't like it :) 

I hope you're all doing well and life is treating you good and if it isn't chin up!!!! 

Okay so I wondering what's your favourite hair colour on Michael? I think mine would be either his blonde hair and blue fringe which he had for like a day or his galaxy/candyfloss hair :)

I love you all and stay supermegafoxyawesome.

See you soon guise ...............



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