Liz's P.O.V.

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5am. 5'o' clock in the morning and somebody was ringing me. I pulled the covers back and slowly got out of bed. Walking the short distance to the desk in my bedroom I pulled the phone out of it's charging dock and slid my finger across the screen. I then held it to y ear, prepared to give whoever was calling a lecture about time. 

"Listen here -" I started but was quickly cut off. 

"Liz Hemmings, am I correct?" The man's deep voice sounded extremly serious. Right there and then I knew this was serious. 

"Yes." I comfirmed.

"We've been tracking you down for quite a while and now we've finally found you." A smile evident in the man's voice. 

"Why do you need to be phoning me at 5am?" I ask, remembering my intentions when I picked up the phone. 

"Mrs Hemmings - " He started.

"Ms." I corrected almost instantly, when Lexi died me and her father split up. The grief of our dead daughter drove us apart. 

"Ms Hemmings," He corrected, an apology clear in his tone, "We have some good news and some bad news."

"Get on with it." I rub my eyes and yawn. 

"Well it seems your daughter Lexi Hemmings is alive." He told me. 

I nearly dropped the phone in shock. Lexi died almost a year ago. "No, you muat have the wrong person, y-you see, my daughter died almost a year ago." 

"You see that fits in with when she was admitted to our ward. You was very hard to track down Ms Hemmings. Finally, we've found you." I sense a 'but'. 

"But....." I prompt.

"But it seems like your daughter isn't going to last long. The machine is baisically breathing for her. We wondered if you'd like to come over to say goodbye." He sighs. 

My mind reeled with thoughts. Lexi isn't dead. But she's going to be dead soon. She's alive. Bur dead soon. 

All my thought spun in and out of each other making me more and more confused. Also the time being 5am didn't help. 

Before my mind could catch up with my mouth I was asking. "How long do you think you can keep her going for?" 

"A week at the least." He replied. 

"I'll be there in two days." I replied hanging up the phone. 

Throwing random items of clothing and esentials into a duffel bag I opened up my iMac and booked some last minute tickets to London, England. 

Going back to the place where it all began. 

Skip two days .....

"That'll be £12.50 please miss." The taxi driver said. 

I handed over a £5 note and a £10 note. "Keep the change." I dismissed before opening the door and stepping out into the chilly English air. 

Walking straight into King George's hospital and up to the desk. 

"I'm looking for Lexi Hemmings." I told the male receptionist. 

"Erm .... I'm afraid we don't have a Lexi Hemmings on the list." He narrowed his eyes at the list as he searched it again. 

"It's alright Jerry, she's with me." A man called over to the receptionist. I turned and saw the man I guessed I'd talked to on the phone two days earlier. 

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