Calum's P.O.V.

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There he stood. The boy, well man now, me, Ashton and Luke hadn't seen for nearly 3 years.

Michael. Gordon. Clifford.

The situation was getting very awkward. Michael stood there unsure of what to do while we all stared at him. Well, Luke kind of glared at him. 

"Michael!" I cheer running up and hug him. I run into his hard chest and fling my arms round his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Hey, Cal." He hugs me back. 

"Coffee?" Ashton asks making his way over to the kettle. 

"Got anything stronger?" He asks.

Something stirs in my chest. Say yes Ashton.Something deep in my chest begs. However Ashton looks at me and shakes his head.

"No I don't coffee or tea. That's my limit." Ashton firmly says, while the monster deep in my chest grumbles and goes back to sleep. 

"Coffee then." He mutters. Then his attention is turned to Luke who is still glaring at him. 

"Erm, hi Luke." Michael smiles feeling the awkwardness between them. 

"Michael." Luke's voice full of ice.

"Here's your coffee Michael." Ashton puts it down on the table and gestures for him to sit where we all are sitting. 

"So tell us about your life out in LA." I press for conversation. Luke's eyes haven't left Michael's face, and not in a romantic way either, in fact the complete opposite to romantic. 

"I just went, partied, did stuff you know. What else do you expect me to do in America?" He shrugs.

"What did - "

"And how many girls did you sleep with?" Luke's question cuts across Ashton's.

"Excuse me?" Michael looks taken aback.

"You heard what I said." Luke leans forward intently.

"I - I - I - I - I." Michael stutters.

"Obviously quite a few then." Luke leans back, every inch of his face reads disgusted.

"Where have you been getting this information?" He turns to me.

"The paper, mate." I shrug. Every other month there's been an article about his new love interest or him leaving a party very drunk or high.

"And you believe all this stuff? I thought you were better than that!" Michael tells all three of us. 

"Well, it's not hard to when you don't keep in contact with us." Ashton shrugs and takes a sip of his coffee. 

Michael hangs his head in shame. "I'm sorry about that, but I'm here to stay this time. I landed back in Sydney yesterday." He tells us.

"You've decieded to return then." Luke confirms.

"Yes I have." Michael nods.

"Is what happened ten years ago no longer too hard for you?" Luke asks.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Michael exclaims. 

"So now you've had your fill of being high and drunk out your head you've decided to come back. Am I righ?" Luke voice starts to raise.

"No it's not like that. I keep having these flashbacks to the day it happened so taking drugs and drinking got rid of that but I got help. I'm never touching drugs or alcohol again." He tells us.

"That's good to hear, Michael." Ashton offers him a warm smile which Michael returns. 

Luke, however, is on a roll and won't stop. "It's all 'me me me' again isn't it Michael. We've all had problems." Luke sighs.

10 Years On ~ OSL Sequel.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat