Lexi's P.O.V.

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"So about painting this room..." Michael wondered out loud, his eyes cast wonderingly around the four white walls. 

We were lying in bed; a couple of days after Michael's story. After a few hours of crying Michael confesse to other times he'd gotten high. ither bars he visited and other girls he took home and never called back. He'd also asked me if I had any of those dreams you hear about people having whilst they were in comas. I told him that I did but we'd had too much story time for one day. Understandingly, Michael nodded and turned his attention to the TV. That night, we ordered pizza and watched old movies which Michael had seen many times but I hadn't caught up on yet. We may have made out quite a lot as well. 

"What about it?" I asked, snuggling further into his side.

"I bought some books the other day and I was looking through them. I'm stuck invetween a blue colour and a red colour. Help me?" He told me. 

Half an hour later we were dressed and eating breakfast whislt arguing over the colours. I'd found Michael's old Next catalogue and was looking through the bed cover section. 

"This one or this one would go nice with the blue." I pointed at a dark blue set ot a white set with blue detailing. As soon as Michael showed me the two colours, I'd immediatley taken to the blue and had tried dropping subtle hints to it all morning. 

"I like this one." Michael said and pointed at a set on the other page. This set was layered and went from dark to light is got nearer the bottom. 

"That won't go with red." I said, biting my lip. 

"Looks like we're going to have blue walls! And don't do that please." Michael cheered. 

I smiled and carried on biting my lip just to annoy him. Sighing, he leant in close to me. 

"I said, don't do that please?" He whispered low and huskily in my ear.

"And what are you going to do about it?" I asked, teasingly. 

Michael started to leave slow, sloppy kisses up and down my neck occaisionally leaving a few love-bites and covering the one that had faded from the other night. I moaned and ran his hands through his hair the whole time. 

He pressed me up against the wall as I tugged on the ends of his shirt in attempt to pull it off. With Michael's help his top soon lay on the floor. I worked on slowly leaving love-bites on his chest and neck while it was his turn to moan my name. He fiddled with the bottom of my shirt and slid his hands underneath. Then ....

Then the phone rang, 

"Ignore it." I growled in his ear as he reached to grab it. Surrending to me, he gulped and nodded. I smiled to myself at the fact that I had him under my control and fiddled with the waistband of his sweatpants.

The phone rang again. 

I sighed and pushed him away. "Answer it." I told him. 

"What?" He answered the phone harshly. 

"Yes she's with me...................... obviously not........................ I'll tell her.....................do I really have to?..........Okay................. We'll be there." He hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked. 

"Luke, your mum called an emergency meeting ten minutes ago, we should be there by now." He told me, gathering his t-shirt from the floor and tugging it back over his head. 

"Do I really have to go?" I whined in a simialr tone to a three year old. 

"Exactly what I asked but apparently yes." He sighed and grabbed his car keys. 

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