Ashton's P.O.V.

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When we arrived at the offices Luke gets out of the car nervously. 

"Cheer up mate it'll be okay." I pat him on the shoulder. 

"I hope so." He murmurs as the automatic doors slide open. 

"Hey is that the receptionist you want us to talk to?" Michael gestures to the girl with black hair. 

Luke's face immediately drops. "No, that's not her. She must have finished for the day. Look guys this is bad idea we should just go." He starts to turn around. 

"Luke Hemmings." A sharp voice calls. 

Slowly, with a look of fear on his face Luke turn back around on his heel. "Hi." He smiles nervously. 

"Why are you here. I believe your appointment was this morning, which you attended." Her hands are placed firmly on her hips. 

"Look I just came to apologise. Can we at least take this in your office?" Luke's cheeks flush bright red.

"Okay then." And she turns on her red heels and stalks back into her office. Luke is left to follow. 

"If you'd like to take a seat I'm sure Mr Hemmings will be out soon." The receptionist pipes up from nowhere. 

"Thank you." I smile at her and she smiles back as me, Cal and Mikey all take seats in the waiting area. 

After waiting rather impatiently Calum gets up and walks to the desk. 

"Hey, erm do you know the other girl that works here?" He asks sweetly. 

"Lexi?" The girl asks. Me and Michael both look up from our phones. Pain is etched onto every inch of his face and I'm sure mine and Calum's face mirror his expression. 

"Lexi?" Calum repeats, his voice shaking a little. 

"Yeah, she works here sometimes. In fact you've just missed her, but she usually goes to Starbucks once she's finished work. If you're quick you can catch her." She tells us.

"But her name's Lexi?" Calum asks.

"Well actually her name is Alexis but everyone calls her Lexi for short and she seems okay with it..." She shrugs. 

"Oh, thank you." Calum smiles at the girl as Luke walks out the office. Perfect timing. 

"How'd it go?" I ask him. 

"She excepted my apology......" He shrugs.

"But...." I sense there's a 'but'.

"But, I have to go and see her every three months." He sighs. 

"It'll be okay, she just wants to make sure you're doing okay. We all do." I look at the other boys and they nod furiously. 

"Anyway do you fancy a Starbucks?" Calum asks Luke. 

"I'm not sure." 

"Awww c'mon please Lukey. Pleeeease." Calum begs. Even though he's 26 those big brown eyes are still pretty hard to say no to. 

"Okay then." He shrugs. 

"Lets goooo!" Calum laughs. 


"So why are we here?" Luke asks. 

"You'll see what do you want to drink, I'll go and get them." Michael asks as we walked in. 

"I'll have a Cool Lime refresher please." I order.

"I'll have White Chocolate Mocha." Cal smiles at Michael.

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