Lexi's P.O.V.

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When I wake up my face is buried in Michael's neck and his arms are wrapped around my waist. We're the only two still in bed. I slide out of his grasp and walk into the kitchen. Ashton, Luke and Calum chat to another girl. By the way her and Ashton are sitting, it's Dani. 

"Hi guys! Do you mind if I get myself a cup of coffee Ash?" I greet all four of them. 

"No problem! Lexi, this is my fiance Dani!" He gestures to her and slings his arm round her shoulders. 

"Hello Lexi!" She smiles at me. 

"Hi." I smile back. Afterwards she turns her attention back to Ashton who mindlessly twirls his finger round a lock of her hair. 

After I've made myself a cup of coffee I sit opposite her. "Congratulations on the engagment!" I tell her. 

"Oh, thank you so much! You'll stay for it right?" She grabs the hand which I'm not holding my coffee cup with. 

"Erm, yeah sure. I only live a couple of streets away, when is it?" I ask her.

"Six months today." She grins as Ashton kisses her on the cheek. 

"Can't wait." He not-so-quietly whispers into her ear. His actions cause her to blush. 

"Hope you don't mind me asking but aren't you Lexi Hemmings, Luke's little sister that was dead?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I am. It's a bit of a long story." I shrug. It's 9am, I don't think I'm ready to talk about it.

"Oh you don't have to explain, Ash told me everything last night. I was away with my friend at a wedding fate in Perth. We stopped overnight." She explains. 

I just nod and take another sip from my coffee cup. Just then Michael decides to walk in. He kisses my head softly before walking over to the coffee machine. 

"You're with Michael?" She asks once he's walked away. 

"Yeah." And I can't help but smile. 

"Plan for today," Michael says as he sits next to me on one of the stools, "I take you home, you get ready, come to mine, I get ready, all meet at Luke's and go from there." He tells me. 

"Sounds fine," I shrug, "Are you coming?" I ask Dani. 

"I never got an invite so I don't think so." She shrugs. 

"Luke? Can you ask mum if Dani can come with us?" I call down the table. 

"Yeah sure!" He smiles at Dani before pulling out his phone and texting mum. A few minutes later he replies. "She said yes!" 

"Right, I'll see you soon then." I place the empty coffee mug in the sink and grab my blouse and skirt from the living room. 

"Ready?" Michael asks from the doorway. 

"Yeah." I say as I walk towards him. 

"Lets go then." He gestures to his black Range Rover. I sit in the passenger seat as he gets in the drivers side and starts the car. 

"Where d'you live." He asks as he indicates out the driveway.

"Newtown Street." I tell him and he turns left. 

"I love you, you know that?" He asks me. 

I frown. "Of course I do! And I love you too." I kiss him on the cheek. 

"Be careful I'm driving." He whispers low and huskily in my ear, nicking my ear lobe with his teeth. 

"Then keep your eyes on the road then!" I joke and puch his head away. 


okay i admit short chapter sorry 

butttt i really wanted to update before 2014 and as it's 00:53 am on 31/12/2013 IT'S OFFICIALLY NEW YEARS EVE!!!!! 

a lot has happened this year which I'm happy for! I got to see my sunshines on tour twice! (1D AND 5SOS) also 2013 was the year I sort of joined the 5sosfam :) it was one of the best decisions ive ever made, this band is the best, no joke :D. also I started off writing this fanfiction starting off with Our Secret Love! And thank you for helping me get this far! also I got followed by all the members of 5sos and the band account on twitter!!! 5 of the best days of my left!! 5sos have actually made my year!!!

but thank you to you guys for a great 2013 and pushing me to write more and more and then a sequel. i love you!!!

and i can promise you once this is all wrapped up you won't be seeing th last of me! oh come on! there's three more members to write about :D 

did everybody have a good xmas??? What was your fav thing you got? My favs were proabably dr dre beats and a 5sos hoodie :D

stay supermegafoxyawesome and i'll see you next year!!!!!

love you all and have a great night tonight if you're celebrating :D

wait, seriously how messed up is tumblr and twitter going to be though??? The people from the uk (like moi) will be like HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! and then the americans will be like 'nah we've got another five hours yet' and then the aussies will be like 'IT'S JANUARY THE 2ND???'


okay im really going now byeeeee :* 

-Dani :)

@Dani1D5SOS if you wanna tweet me :D 

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