Lexi's P.O.V.

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The fact that Charles didn't smile when I introduced myself to him didn't stay on my mind for a while. It was gone as I entered the living room where everybody else was seated. I spotted that Michael had saved a seat next to hime for me. 

"Oh you're all here!" Mum says walking into the living room. Her face is flustered from effort and stress. Blonde strands of her hair fall from her messy ponytail. 

She unties the apron from around her waist and returns it back to the kitchen. On the way back to the kitchen she catches my eye. The look wasn't warm. The look she gave me could freeze hell. I shivered causing Michael to shoot me a concerned glare. 

"So how have we all been?" Charles asks entering the living room and sitting down next to Mum. 

"Good thanks." Is the most popular reply. Me and Michael both join in on this. Charles cold grey eyes meet mine and stay there for a long while. 

"So Dani how have the plans for the wedding been coming along?" Mum starts to make conversation but Charles cut across her making his voice louder. 

"So Lexi, how come your mother has never mentioned you?" His voice contains a sly edge. 

My heart becomes heavy instantly. How come your mother has never mentioned you? Everybody's gaze falls on me or Mum. 

 "I-i don't know. There isn't much to say about me really." I shrug and try to look as if I'm not that bothered.

He raises his eyebrows unconvinced. "And you Michael?" I'm surprised at how easily he remebered our names if he's only just heard of us. 

"Oh me and Liz fell out before I went to LA." He shrugged too. 

Charles raises his eyebrows and opens his mouth as if to poke his large nose in even more, but decides against it. Michael sensed my mood and placed his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest. It felt like a little weight was lifted off my shoulders, knowing that he was here by my side, supporting me, I cuddled deeper into Michael's side. 

Liz's glare settled on us two, I could feel it. As soon as I lifted my gaze from mine and Mikey's intwined fingers I saw my suspicions were correct, 

As soon as our eyes made contact Liz stood up. Her eyes showed anger as she opened her mouth to speak. However in that split second she became aware of her audience and changed her ind. 

"I think the food might be ready now. Everybody should come and take a seat at the table." And with those words she strutted into the dining hall. 

In the dining hall the table was laid out with name places. I checked where mine was. No where near Michael. Liz  and Charles sat at the end of the long table. I sat on the right side in between Calum and Ashton. Dani was seated opposite Ash, Luke was opposite me and Michael was opposite Calum. Michael was as far away from me as he could get. Also Dani and Ashton were stragetically placed opposite each other. I bit down on my lip hard to dtop myself from saying something and forced my eyes wide to stop myself from shooting a death glare to my mother. 

"Would anybody like some wine?" Charles asked as he popped open a bottle. Dani, Ash, Liz and Luke all excepted the wine from the bottle but me, Michael and Calum declined. 

"Why ever not you three?" Charles sighed as if he was dissapointed in us. 

"Well I'm trying to stay away from alcohol at the minute." Calum explanied. He took a long drink from his glass of water which would prevent him from answering further questions. 

"And you pair?" Obviously just one explaination wasn't good enough for him. 

"Same as Calum." Michael shrugged. 

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