Lexi' P.O.V.

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Emotions. And lots of them. They came in a rush. Shock, surprise, sadness. However, one emotion outstood them all. And that emotion was happiness. Tears started to form in my eyes as I looked down at the red and black haired person at my feet. He looked pleadingly up into my eyes. 

I took a deep breath. "Yes, yes. Michael Clifford of course I will marry you!" 

And then I was up in his arms. He was spinning me around and around, pressing kisses to my forehead, cheeks, nose and lips constantly. 

"I can't believe it! You're going to be mine all mine!" He cried as he set me down and slid the ring onto my finger. I fell back onto the couch, dizzy. I tried to admire the ring but Michael's lips were attacking mine. We fell back onto the couch together and carried on kissing. 

"I made the bed today." I whispered playing with the hem of his t-shirt. I looked up at him and bit my lip.

"Really? I think we should go and take a look." Michael winked. 

I nodded. 


And here we are, lying in bed looking at the walls. 

"Painting them today?" Michael asks, fiddling with my hair. 

"I think so." I nodded. 

"I called Cal, Ash and Luke to see if they would help. They're coming at eleven and we better get ready."

I looked at the clock to see it was nearly eleven. I jumped out of bed, grabbed some clothes and quickly headed to the shower. 

When I was ready I walked downstairs to find Michael, Calum and Ashton sitting in the living room. They sat and chatted whilst sipping from mugs of tea. Silently, not wanting to interrupt the conversation, I settled myself next to Michael. He kissed me on the top of my head and then returned his attention to the conversation. I didn't mind though, he'd just come back from America and was getting a better reception from the boys then he ever expected. I knew he felt happy to be accepted again. 

When their conversation fizzled out Michael stood up and sighed. "I suppose we'd better make a start on the room, eh lads?" 

"Yeah." The two other men agreed and stood up. 

"Did you ask Luke?" Ashton asked Michael.

"Well, yeah I did. He told me he'd definately be here. Something must have come up." Michael concluded. We could all see what was playing on his mind. It was playing on all of our minds. 

Where is he? 

Since the disappearence of me and Michael all them years ago all the boys had become catious when they made plans together and one of them didn't show up. I remember Ashton telling me, one time him and Luke got worried when Calum didn't turn up to one of their meetings. They searched everywhere for him, only to find him drunkenly passed out on the living room floor of his house. 

We all followed Michael upstairs where I proceeded to cover the bed and furniture with old sheets so they didn't get covered in blue paint. They boys took off their shirts in preparation. I tried to advert my eyes from Michael's body for as long as possible. When I did quickly glance though, I was slightly embarrassed to notice the many bruises that littered his chest from last night. A slight blush tinted my cheeks. 

"Woah, did someone have fun last night?" Ashton commented, pointing to Michael's bare chest. 

I felt my cheeks get hotter. 

"Oh, erm, yeah, maybe." Michael stuggled, his cheeks getting red too.

I excused myself from the room before anyone could ask me any questions. 

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