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Cas wasn't sure how to act anymore. He didn't know what the protocol for any of this was, and Dean was actually talking to Cas now, and Cas was not good at social interaction. Cas had seen Charlie a few times around campus, but they hadn't talked for more than a few minutes.

"Morning, Novak!" Cas jolted awake, wincing as he straightened up from where he sat at his desk. Apparently he had fallen asleep while he was studying last night.

"Dean," he said simply, checking the time. He had a while before his first class, so he stood up and straightened his shirt.

"There's another party tonight, Novak. I want you there, ok?" Dean asked, patting Cas on the shoulder. Cas tensed up.

"Please don't touch me," he said. He'd told Dean not to touch him several times by now, but Dean seemed not to care. This time was no exception. Dean smirked.

"So you're coming, right?" he asked.

"I have classes tomorrow, Dean. I have to sleep," Cas replied, pulling fresh clothes from his drawer.

"C'mon, Novak, have a little fun!" Dean persisted.

"A party holds no promise of fun for me," Cas told Dean, going into the bathroom and changing. When he came back out, he almost ran into Dean, who was standing right outside the door. Cas jumped almost a mile high and Dean smiled. Cas couldn't help but notice Dean's eyes when they were this close. They were so green, it was almost unreal. Apparently, he wasn't the only one who noticed the other's eyes.

"Wow, Novak, nice eyes," Dean said, the look on his face changing and softening for a second, before he snapped back to his cocky smile.

"Please don't tease me, Dean," Cas said, walking past Dean to put his dirty clothes in his laundry hamper.

"I'm not teasing you, Novak, your eyes are really blue. I like them," Dean said, turning around.

"I have a hard time believing that," Cas said, packing up his backpack.

"Why? Do you really think I would tease you about your eyes?" Dean asked, looking mildly offended.

"I... I suppose not. You don't seem like the type to tease. I apologize, I'm not used to compliments," Cas said, turning to face Dean.

"Really? That sucks, Everyone deserves a compliment once in a while," Dean said. Cas shrugged.

"I find it doesn't bother me. Now if you don't mind, I think I should leave," he replied, heading for he door. Dean didn't stop him from leaving, he just watched him go.

Nothing particularly interesting happened in Cas' first class that day, but he spent most of it thinking about Dean. He couldn't stop thinking about the look on Dean's face when he had first noticed Cas' eyes. Cas had never seen that look on anyone's face before. It had only lasted for a moment, but Cas got a warm feeling whenever he thought about it. When the class ended, he went to the bathroom and stood in front of one of the mirrors. He stared at himself for a moment, before leaning in close and inspecting his eyes. He looked for a long minute, thinking about his conversation with Dean, until he stepped back and did something he couldn't remember doing for a long time. He smiled.


When Cas walked through the door of their room later that afternoon, Dean did a double take, then began staring at Cas shamelessly.

"Dean?" Cas asked reluctantly.

"Novak, are you... smiling?" Dean asked, looking shocked.

"I... yes. Is that... bad?" Cas asked, his brand new smile slipping from his face. Dean jumped up.

"No! No, it's a good look for you, Novak. You should smile more often," he said, giving Cas a smile of his own. It was a genuinely happy smile, Cas noted, not cocky or forced, and it made him happy.

"Is there any hope of convincing you go come to the party tonight?" Dean asked. Cas shook his head.

"No, Dean, I don't think so. I'm perfectly happy staying here tonight," he said. Dean shrugged.

"Okay, fine. Have fun studying, you nerd," he said. Cas paused for a second, then, deciding Dean wasn't trying to be mean, nodded and smiled, sitting at his desk as Dean put in his headphones and laid back on his bed.

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