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Cas lost his virginity that night, but that wasn't the part of the experience he remembered best. No, the part he remembered best was the next morning. He had been asleep in April's bed when he was awoken by the sound of the door banging open and someone dragging him out of the bed.

"Who the hell are you?" Thundered the large man that had grabbed Cas. Cas stuttered a mush of worthless nonsense and the man punched him in the face.

"Why were you sleeping with my April?" He yelled. Cas wasn't sure exactly what to say in this situation - he didn't even know what this situation was - but it didn't matter. He couldn't speak full words, he was so scared. The man started punching Cas with one hand while holding him against the wall with the other. He threw Cas against the dresser and Cas crumbled to the ground, where the man commenced kicking him. Cas covered his head with his hands, whimpering. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't run, and he'd never been a good fighter. He wondered where April was for a brief moment before she heard her burst into the room.

"Daniel! Stop! You're going to kill him!" She exclaimed. Daniel gave one last good kick to Cas's shin and stopped. Cas stood up cautiously.

"Get this guy out of here," Daniel growled. April threw Cas his clothes and he put them on, shaking and wincing every so often. April held the door open for him and he limped down the stairs and out to the street. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed Dean's number.

"Novak! Where'd you go last night?" Dean answered.

"Dean. Could you come pick me up?" Cas asked.

"Yeah, sure, man. Where are you?" Dean replied. Cas gave him the address and hung up, sitting down on the sidewalk to wait. He had to fend off several people before the Impala pulled up next to him.

"What the hell happened to you, Novak?" Dean exclaimed, jumping out of the car and rushing over to Cas.

"I'm fine, Dean," Cas said, standing up and limping around the car and getting in the passenger seat.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Dean asked, climbing back in the car.

"No, Dean. As I said, I'm fine," Cas said, wiping away the trail of blood from his nose. Dean drove them back to the school and he tried to help Cas inside, but Cas didn't let Dean touch him. When they got inside, Cas went into the bathroom and turned on the faucet. He tried to rub the blood off of his face, but he winced.

"Ow..." He said. Dean came in behind him.

"Novak, go sit down," he said.

"Dean, I have to clean myself up," Cas said.

"Just sit down, Novak," Dean said, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it. Cas sat at his desk and Dean sat down across from him. Dean leaned forward, placing one hand on Cas' knee for balance and dabbing at Cas' face with the washcloth. It took Cas a few seconds to remember to breathe.

"How did this happen, Novak? You're so quiet, how'd anyone notice you long enough to beat you up?" Dean asked.

"I had sex with April." Dean's hand slipped off Cas' knee and he hit his head on Cas' desk.

"Dean? Are you okay?" Cas asked, concerned.

"You had sex? You?" Dean spluttered. Cas nodded.

"You. Castiel Novak. Had sex? With a girl?" Dean asked again.

"Yes, Dean, I had sex with a girl. Is something wrong with your hearing?" Cas asked earnestly in reply.

"I'm just surprised. Is she the one that beat you up?" Dean chuckled, "that bad, huh?" Cas blushed.

"No Dean, it was a man named Daniel that did this," he said.

"A man? Dude, did you sleep with someone's girlfriend?" Dean asked, looking a little proud.

"I suppose so. That would explain why he was so upset," Cas said. Dean just smiled and went back to cleaning Cas' face. Cas watched Dean's face as Dean finished and put the washcloth on his desk.

"It's starting to bruise," Dean said, reaching out and touching Cas's cheek just below his eye. Cas flinched and Dean pulled his hand away.

"I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Dean asked, concern filling his eyes again. Cas shook his head.

"No, I just... How did the party go?" Cas changed the subject.

"It was great," Dean said, looking distracted. He looked Cas up and down.

"You were limping. What did he do to your leg?" Dean asked.

"He got a few good kicks in. I'm fine, Dean, really," Cas insisted, standing up slowly and wincing. Dean looked like he wanted to argue, but Cas just climbed into his bed, wrapping himself in his blanket and closing his eyes, just wanting to sleep.

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