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Cas avoided Dean for the next few days, until he thought Dean might have forgotten. Then he started acting like nothing happened. When he and Dean were finally in the same room for more than five seconds, Dean brought it up.

"Novak, can I ask..." Dean started.

"No. I would appreciate it if you didn't ask me anything, Dean," Cas said without turning around.

"Okay," Dean said slowly. Cas nodded and turned around, to be stopped short by how close Dean was. Cas' breath hitched and he gulped. Dean raised his eyebrow.

"I... Have to get to class," Cas said, stepping past Dean and heading out the door.

He was very distracted in class that day, and for a few days after. Dean tried to ask Cas about what happened a few more times, but Cas shut him down every time, so he stopped asking. One afternoon, Charlie invited Cas to hang out with her and Meg and Jo and Abbadon. He decided to go, and was heading out the door, when Dean started talking.

"Where you headed, Novak?" He asked.

"Charlie and her friends invited me to hang out," Cas said.

"Can Lisa and I come?" Dean asked him. Cas checked with Charlie and she said it was fine.

"She says you can come," Cas said. Dean jumped off his bed.


It was close enough for them to walk, so that's what they did. Cas was very aware of how close Dean was as they walked down the sidewalk.

"Are you okay, Novak? I mean, a lot has happened with you recently," Dean said.

"I'm... perfectly fine, Dean," Cas said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Alright, I just want to make sure you're okay," Dean told him. Cas nodded, eager to move on from the subject. Luckily, Lisa joined them soon after that, and then Dean was to busy talking to her to bother Cas. Cas ended up in the third wheel spot on the sidewalk, walking right behind Dean and Lisa. He watched them talk and tried not to feel too jealous when Dean took Lisa's hand. When they found Charlie and the others, it was clear to see that Charlie and Jo were drunk.

"Where have they been?" Dean asked.

"They "brought the party here"," Meg told him. Charlie held a bottle out to Dean.

"Here, cupcake," she said. Dean took it and took a long drink. They all talked for a bit, and Dean and Lisa both got tipsy during that time. Then Charlie decided to take it to the next step.

"Truth or dare!" She exclaimed.

"Oh god no, truth or dare is so lame," Abbadon said, rolling her eyes.

"Come onnnn, let's do it!" Jo replied.

"I am all for not playing," Meg said.

"Aw, come on, Masters, it's fun," Dean crooned.

"Here, I'll start. Lisa, truth or dare?" Jo asked.

"Truth," Lisa said. Jo grinned.

"Have you and Dean slept together yet?" She asked.

"Yes," Lisa answered promptly. Cas blinked, his stomach boiling. Jo and Charlie laughed and Meg snickered.

"Okay, Charlie, truth or dare," Lisa asked.

"Dare," Charlie said without hesitation. Lisa thought for a moment.

"Make out with Cas," Lisa said. Cas' eyes widened in panic.

"Uh, I, I mean, Lisa, um," he stuttered. Everyone laughed and he blushed.

"Okay, for the sake of Cas not having a seizure, make out with Abbadon instead," Lisa said. Charlie and Abbadon exchanged looks, and then Charlie grabbed Abbadon's face and they started making out. It didn't last very long, and when they broke apart, Charlie sighed.

"Not as good as I imagined it would be," she said.

"Oh please. I'm a great kisser and you know it," Abbadon said, smirking. Charlie rolled her eyes.

"Okay, my turn," she said, taking her time and looking at each of them before settling on-

"Dean. Truth or dare?" She asked.

"Dare," Dean said. Charlie's eyes flitted over to Cas, who stiffened, afraid of what Charlie might do.

"Kiss Cas," she said. Cas' eyes widened and he almost choked, even though he wasn't eating anything.

"Ch-Charlie..." Cas trailed off, his eyes glued to Dean, who was already leaning in. Cas could hear a few of the girls giggling, but he was starting to go deaf as Dean got closer and closer. His breath was shallow and he was glad everyone was drunk, because he was pretty sure his emotions were all over his face. Then their lips met, and every thought was wiped from Cas' mind except one.

No wonder Lisa slept with him.

Dean's lips were soft, and when Cas was this close, he could tell how warm Dean was. And Dean smelled like cheap soap and beer, but it was a good smell, a smell that made Cas think of a home, even if his own home smelled nothing like that. Cas wasn't sure how long they were kissing, but it felt like an eternity and a second all at once. But then Dean pulled away with a laugh and it was over. Cas did his best to compose himself, but he wasn't sure how well he did. His brain wasn't working, the only thing he could think was:

I just kissed Dean Winchester.

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