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"Oh my god, are you repacking again?" Dean asked.

"I want to make sure I have everything I need, Dean," Cas said. Dean walked over and pulled the second large umbrella gently from Cas' hands.

"Im pretty sure you won't need that," he said, placing it on Cas' bed.

"But Dean-" Cas started.

"You've got everything you need, let's go!" Dean exclaimed, flipping Cas' suitcase closed and zipping it up. Cas stood up.

"Okay, but if I forgot anything, it's now your fault," he said.

"Yeah, whatever, Novak," Dean said, smiling. He pulled Cas' suitcase up onto its wheels and started pulling it out to the car. Cas grabbed the trench coat he'd gotten for himself, along with his scarf and hat. Dean had bought him the hat more as a joke than anything else, but Cas had become very attached to it. It kept his ears warm, and the Pom-pom on top was actually kind of cute. Cas wrapped the scarf around his neck and pulled his hat on as Dean slid his suitcase into the trunk of the impala. Dean chuckled when he looked up.

"What?" Cas asked.

"You look so adorable in that hat, Novak," Dean replied. Cas gave a small smile and pulled on the mittens that were in his coat pockets. The two of them got in the car and started down the road.


Dean slammed the car door.

"No one hears about this, Novak. No one," he said. Cas smiled, following Dean up to the door, dragging his suitcase behind him. Dean opened the door.

"Dad! Sammy! We're here!" He shouted into the house. Cas heard a sudden shuffle and the thump of running before a freaking giant with long hair rushed in no threw himself into Dean's arms. Dean chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair.

"Heya Sammy!" He said. The boy let Dean go and turned to Cas. Cas stared at Sam with wide eyes.

"Dean, I thought you said he was your little brother!" Cas exclaimed. Sam laughed and Dean pouted.

"Yeah, he's taller than me, move on. Sam, this is my roommate, Castiel. Cas, this is Sam," Dean said. Cas and Sam shook hands.

"It's great to finally meet you, Cas. Dean's told me a lot about you," Sam said.

"I didn't know there was a lot to tell," Cas said.

"Okay, okay, Sam, where's Dad?" Dean asked. Sam's face fell slightly.

"He's on the couch," he said. Dean nodded.

"Okay. Sam, why don't you show Cas to the guest room?" Dean said. Sam nodded. Dean walked for the other room and Sam gestured for Cas to follow him up the stairs. Cas dragged his suitcase after Sam.

"So you and Dean are friends?" Sam asked. There was something odd in his tone that Cas couldn't quite name.

"I... Yes, we're friends," Cas said, unsure if Dean wanted Sam to know about their relationship or not.

"Yeah... Friends. Cool," Sam said, opening the door to a room and gesturing for Cas to go in. Cas stepped into the room.

"Make yourself at home. I'm down the hall, Dean's next door, and the bathroom is right across from you. Any questions?" Sam asked, leaning against the door frame. Cas thought for a minute, but before he could answer, they heard muffled shouting from below. Sam winced, looking down.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Cas blurted after a second, trying to fill the silence. Sam chuckled.

"No, I don't. What about you?" Sam asked, smiling slightly.

"No, I don't have a girlfriend," Cas told him. The shouting stopped downstairs and Sam glanced around at the stairs.

"Why don't we go downstairs," Sam said. He headed for the stairs and Cas followed him, wondering just what kind of man Dean's father was.

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