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Cas' shock lasted only a moment before he was kissing Dean back. Dean wrapped one arm around Cas' waist and pulled him closer, his other hand cupping Cas' face. Cas ran one hand through Dean's hair. Dean broke away from Cas' lips and began kissing his neck and collarbone. Cas gasped and tightened his grip in Dean's hair. He felt, more then heard, Dean chuckle. Dean lowered his hand and raised Cas' shirt slightly, causing Cas to shiver.

"Dean..." Cas moaned softly. Dean's hand slipped up Cas' shirt, but then it brushed against the bottom of one of Cas' scars and Dean stopped kissing him.

"Dean, what's wrong?" Cas asked.

"Cas, how did you get these scars?" Dean asked him, lifting Cas' shirt over his head and turning him around. After the initial heart-stopping thrill of having Dean take Cas' clothes off, Cas spoke.

"I... I don't want you to know. I'm ashamed, Dean," he said. Dean ran his hand up and down one of Cas' scars, causing Cas to shiver again.

"Please, Cas. You don't have to be ashamed around me," Dean said. Cas turned around.

"My sister... I believe I told you that my father was a priest. Well he raised me and my siblings to be Christians like him, but some of us took it more seriously than others. I tried to be good, I really did," Cas said, tearing up slightly, "but I was never good enough, no matter how hard I tried. My sister Naomi was always very righteous, though. My father was very distant, so Naomi became kind of like a mother to the rest of us. And when I was bad... She would take me into a dark room and... And cut these scars into my back... And she would say that the lord will punish me for my sins." Cas closed his eyes and a tear trickled down his cheek, remembering the sound of his own screams. When he opened his eyes, he saw Dean staring at him with tear filled eyes and he snapped back to the present.

"Don't cry for me, Dean. I'm fine, really! I'm in college now, so I won't be home as much, and I'll just be good when I am home," Cas said, adding a smile to convince Dean he was okay. Dean gathered Cas up into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"As long as I'm around, she'll never hurt you again."


Dean and Cas held hands the whole way back to their dorm, and when they got inside Dean drew Cas in for another quick kiss, then he sat down on his bed.

"So... What exactly does this mean?" Cas asked. Dean smiled.

"Well, it means we're dating, Novak," he said. Cas nodded, still solemn.

"And... And you promise I'm not just some college experiment?" He asked nervously. Dean jumped back out of his bed and walked over to Cas. He took Cas' hand and kissed him gently on the forehead.

"I promise," he murmured. Cas smiled.

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