Chapter 3: Summoning

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After hours upon hours of researching, I finally thought I was ready to try it out myself. I read that it summoned demons, but I guess I didn't care. It was around 10:00pm when I started to ask it some questions like, "Is there a spirit here with me?" The planchette, which is the piece of the ouija board that allows the spirit to communicate, moved to yes. I freaked out, because I didn't think I would get an answer. Then I asked another question. "If there is a spirit here make yourself known." I then heard my sister's singing monkey go off. Was that my sign? The monkey sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I thought it was freaky but then I saw a shadow behind me. I could tell that the person was no one I knew. I blinked, and then they were gone. I started to get scared, and I put the ouija board away in a place where no one would find it. Looking back on it, I regret not doing as the website told me to do, to always say goodbye, but like usual, I made a very big mistake.

The ouija board's hiding place was in a huge box among a bunch of other stuff that I didn't really need. A few days after the ouija board incident, nothing odd had seemed to have happened.

Until one night, I heard my name being called over and over and over while I was trying to go to sleep. My sister's toys would keep going off in the middle of the night. I was out for a walk to clear my head about all this when I heard screams echoing from the park. I went to the park, so I could find out what was going on. I looked around the park, but I didn't find anything. Weird, I thought.

I was almost home, when I felt a hand tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and I saw Rosy with tears in her eyes. I asked her what was wrong, but nothing seemed to come out of her mouth. Then I suddenly remembered that she was in a state a little over fifteen hours away. She couldn't be here, so I ran all five blocks that led back home. When I got home, I saw Rosy's social worker in my house. I walked in asking why she was there. My mom told me to sit down. I sat down, and then Rosy's social worker began to tell me that Rosy had committed suicide five days earlier. I started to cry, because I had sworn I saw her in the park earlier. 

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