Chapter 8: Love

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I stayed up 'till midnight trying to plan out the perfect way to ask him out. It took time for me to gather all my courage to do it. I put on my almost one year old but still good as new, sky blue sequined dress and put on some makeup. I thought I looked awsome.

I walked on the bus that morning like everyone loved me. I actually saw a few boys drool over the way I looked, one of them being Jake. I bent down and kissed him on the cheek. My plan was to make him miss what we had back then. I would ask him out at the end of the day.

When we got to school, I walked off the bus first with Jake behind me following me like a lost puppy. I smiled. Girls looked at me like "It's on." Girls actually thought being pretty was a competition, but no, it's just a gift. I had girls and boys asking for my number. I was apparently being considered popular. Was it the dress? It didn't matter. I wasn't the nobody I used to be.

I was done with all of my classes for the day. All of the football players had left during lunch to practice for their game coming up. A crowd of girls followed me to the football field where the boys were. I walked up to Jake and asked him in my sweetest tone of voice, "Hey, will you go out with me again? I miss you."

Jake stared at me and looked me in the eyes. "Yes. Of course I will Serena."

It felt like I had just asked him to marry me and we were engaged. I stayed till the end of his practice, cheering him on. After practice he walked me home and we chatted for about two hours straight. It was nice talking to him. Jessica turned out to not be upset about us going out. It was like a happily ever after.

Or so I thought. 

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