Chapter 10: Mysterious Dad

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I was sitting in my room and my mom came in and told me, "Your dad wants you to spend the whole week in Manning, IA, which is twenty hours from Arizona. You know that right?" Of course I knew that it was a long ways away. It's as far away from us as possible. I didn't want to see my dad after everything he did to my mom. He cheated on her for seven months while Ilyn was learning to be the brat she is now. He left her to deal with three kids by herself.

I got into the plane to see my dad. The plane was very nice and comfortable. This was nothing like when I went on my last trip to go see him. My last experience was way worse than this, but I won't go into detail. I just sat in my airplane seat listening to music the whole way there. I was also thinking about my dad and his fancy looking glasses he always wore. The last time I visited, I found out my dad was going to propose to his girlfriend, Mariana. I never went to their wedding.

I unplugged my headphones to hear the pilot say, "We will be landing soon. Make sure you stay in your seats."

I got off the plane waiting to see my dad holding a sign that said my name on it. Instead, I saw a girl with curly, brown hair holding the sign. I could automatically could tell it was my step mom. 

When we arrived at the house I could hear two kids laughing and giggling. Then, my dad said "Go before she sees you." I walked into the living room and saw a cute little baby. My dad and my step mom, Jeneace, explained that this was my half sister Mary and that she was 5 months old. I walked into the room where she was sleeping and noticed photos of me that I didn't remember. I was also wearing clothes that I didn't remember ever owning.

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