Chapter 15: Changes

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I woke up the next day in my regular bed. My dad had decided that we would stay here untill he worked out my mom's funeral arrangements, and of course until her will was found. The night before while Lea was sleeping I had snuck out of my room. I then overheard my dad calling Mariana. He went on saying that he couldn't leave Ilyn and I, who was actually still Lea, but he didn't know that. It sounded like Mariana wanted us out of her husband's life. My dad was smart though. He rebuffed all of her complains and cries. I then went to sleep on the couch.

When I walked out of my room, the next morning, my dad had made breakfast for Lea and Ilyn. It sucked that I couldn't eat any food. The eggs and bacon looked so good. I also had to wear the same clothes everyday. My dad explained that Lea, still pretending to be me, told her and Ilyn to go pack while he looked for mom's will. While they packed dad searched hours for her it. It happened to be hidden in her diary which was hidden under her mattress. My mom was so smart, but why would she, of all people, have a diary? I missed her advice and even her cries. My dad then began to call up and get a reading of her will tomorrow and plan mom's funeral in two days. I layed on the fluffy brown couch. That night I cried myself to sleep and no one could hear my pain and tell me everything would be alright like my mom.

I hopped in my dad's Suv in the middle area between Ilyn and Lea. My brother was going to get out of jail for a few hours to go to mom's funeral. What would my fate be like? Would it be staying dead forever? Or would it be simply something else entirely?


We arrived at the church for the funeral I saw my very small family. I wanted to talk to my family, but that was nearly impossible. The lawyer began reading her will. The lawyer said, "Veronica Williams estate goes to Joseph Williams.Veronica's diary will be buried with her along with her mom's locket. Joseph Williams will know have full custody of Serena Williams, Ilyn Williams, and Alan Williams. Serena Williams will get Veronica's jewelry as well as her boxes filled with personal items."

After it was all over, everyone drove to the house and claimed their items. The house emptied really fast. My dad put Ilyn's and Lea's suitcases in the car - Lea's suitcase included some of my things as well - and we headed toward the airport. I had to sit in an empty seat. I was not going to handle living in Manning well. In the car ride, my dad said that he would homeschool us and he would work out the other stuff later. It was kind of weird to think that the Ouija board was going to be the story I would tell my kids when I was older, but I didn't even know if I was going to be alive and have children, a husband, and a life.


Well, this chapter is just a little bit longer -thank gosh Katie!- Not much though. Anyway hope you like it.

I probably won't post any more today, but I will tomorrow. Bye!


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