Chapter 16: Manilla

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Ahh, Katie. Always putting in real-life places. She lives in Manning, me Manilla. We go to school together and the towns are only like 15 minutes away...


I went to sleep on the plane. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I awoke and all I saw was my mom wearing a beautiful hawaiian dress. My mom said " Everything will be okay you will find what you need my child." I wasn't really sure what she meant but I was sure that it was a good thing. I then heard the pilot say over the intercom that we would be landing in Cedar Rapids, Iowa very shortly and to please stay seated. My dad woke up Ilyn who had fell asleep with her favorite stuffed monkey named Bannaners which actually used to be my old stuffed animal. The thing is, I didn't remember anything about Lea and I living together for five years and hy hadn't my brother, Alan, told me.

When we were heading out of the Cedar Rapids airport, Dad didn't even notice that Lea was pretending to be me. Could he even tell us apart? I guess when life gives you lemons make lemonade, so I still hated my sister for trapping me here. The thing is, she was trying to get me back, but she wanted all of us to be one big happy family. My aunt was picking us up. I hopped in the van that my Aunt Sophie was driving. I had never really heard about Aunt Sophie, only that she was my dad's younger sister and she lived in Manilla, IA. Manilla was a small town. I then remembered that my dad's second ex wife, the first being my now dead mother, owned the house that my father was living in. So where were we going to live?

A beautiful wood sign painted red that said Manilla on it had the sun gleaming and glaring off it like it was a spotlight made just for the sign. Moments later, we arrived at a small suburban house that had a tan color siding. It looked surprisingly like a place that I could call home someday. My dad called out to Lea and Ilyn, "Here we are! This is Aunt Sophie's place where we will be staying until I can afford a house or apartment." I then noticed a swing set, and a baby carriage in the backyard.


Just like in the story, my house is tan with a swing set, but no baby carriage. And I have a sister named Jessica, and there's a Jessica in the story! 

Anyway, I had an orthodontist appointment today. I won't be getting braces yet. All she did today was poke around in my mouth, to check my teeth and gums. Then we could leave. YAY!

Have a lovely June 21st, 2016! Bye!


P.S. Please leave a comment if you see any mistakes that I may have missed in any chapter and I'll fix them. Thanks!

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