Chapter 19: Questions Answered

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Okay. So, after the shocking experience with my dad, it was even harder to explain to Aunt Sophie, Ilyn, and Alan when he got out of jail. Well, let me get back to explaining the story. Ilyn really didn't understand, but it looked like she enjoyed having two of me. Alan took it pretty well and Aunt Sophie didn't even know that I was a twin.

 I decided to ask Aunt Sophie some questions about Rosy after I told her about Lea. "Hey Aunt Sophie, what's your last name again? I forgot."

"My last name is Rits. Why?" she asked questioningly.

"Do you by any chance, know a girl named Rosy?" I asked very ready to hear the outcome. 

"A Rosy? No, but I do know a Rosita. She was my daughter that I gave up for adoption."

I knew it! That was Rosy's real name, Rosita Rits. "What was her middle name?" I asked, trying to confirm the information coming from my aunt's mouth.

"Lauren. I came up with it."

"Well, she was my best friend."

"Was? What does that mean?"

It was hard to say but I finally got it out. "Um...Aunt Sophie, Rosy died of suicide a while ago before all of this happened. I am so sorry." 

She covered her mouth with her hand, teary-eyed. "Serena, I'm so sorry," she pulled me into a hug. "I bet she was a sweet girl."  

"She was." I just had to tell Aunt Sophie even though she made me do things that I wasn't very okay with but she deserved to know what happened to her daughter. I couldn't believe my best friend was my cousin all along. Actually, I could, with all the weird things going on lately. Maybe Rosy had found it out before she died. I would never know, but it did make me look back on the day we met.

May 12, 2009

I was eight years old at the time. I was walking home when I noticed a girl my age at the park swinging by herself. She had freckles, brown wavy hair, and wore a beautiful blue shirt that had a flower on it with laced sleeves. She also looked like she needed a friend, so I decided to be just that. 

I ran up toward her and she seemed to look scared that a stranger had just ran up to her. I looked at her and said, "Sorry to startle you, but you looked lonely so I thought I would come over here and introduce myself. My name is Serena Williams and I'm eight years old. Nice to meet you!" I stuck out my hand.  

She shook my hand and said, "Hi! I'm Rosita Rits but you can call me Rosy. I'm eight years old too. Are you from around here?"

I sat on the vacant swing next to her. "Rits? That sounds familiar. Yeah, I live not too far from here. So tell me some stuff about you Rosy."

"Well, there's not that much to tell, except I'm a foster kid. I have never even heard or seen my real parents before. I like to read too, since it's pretty much the only thing I ever do."

"I'm sorry about that Rosy. I like to read too, but sometimes I draw things. Usually flowers, since I don't know what else to draw. I'm just looking for a friend, would you like to come to my house sometime and hang out?"

"Sure!" Her voice got quieter, "I have nothing else better to do."

"Ok! I'll give you my home phone number and maybe I can have your social worker's number?"

She nodded and we exchanged numbers. "See you soon Serena!" she said, hope filling her voice again. We both had found a new friend, and we didn't know it, but a cousin too. 


I'm bad at updating, sorry! 


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