Chapter 17: What Happened To Us?

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I was absolutely confused. Did my aunt Sophie have kids? I tried to talk to my sister to ask, but she could only talk to me through the Ouija board witch sucked. I walked through the door last and luckily Lea knew I was there so she left it open until she was sure I was in. It was sweet and all but i didn't need it, I'm a ghost. I could walk through doors. I then heard the sound of a crying baby. I walked into the living room, and the sound was coming from Mary. My dad must of got full custody of her when they got divorced, because Mariana is not the brightest crayon in the box.

Aunt Sophie showed Lea to the room she got all to herself except it should've been mine. At least she can get the Ouija board out and talk to me. I heard my phone ring. Lea answered and said "Hi babe." I immediately knew it was Jake on the phone. Lea looked like she was going to cry. She fell back on the bed. It made a squeaky sound.

Our dad came in. "What's wrong?"

Lea said, "Jake broke up with me. He wants to go out with Tamara Brook, the captain of the cheerleading squad." I guess breakups hurt even when you don't even know the person very well, Lea thought.


It was almost time for curfew, but of course Lea and I had to talk about things. Lea said "Hey, did you know that Jake broke up with" "I know you don't need to explain, I was there. And do you have any leads on what to do to get me back to life?" "Well, I am searching things up, but all I found was a ritual we could try it if you want to Serena," said Lea. I replied with, "Okay. We will do it tomorrow night. You search it up tomorrow to figure it all out. Okay?" 


Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I was busy and couldn't edit. 

And today, June 28, 2016, I had to go to the doctor for a check-up, and then I had to get an x-ray on my spine. I forgot what the doctor called it, but I think the bottom of my spine is a bit "curled?" Edit: 7/28/2017 It's called scoliosis.

I hope it gets better. Wish me luck!

~Tina N T

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