Chapter 6: Stranger To Stranger

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That was it. I was freaking out. There was no way it could of gotten in my room without my mom taking it out of the trash. That was uncertain considering her prior experience with it. I was so darned confused and scared that it felt like I was having a mental break down.

In classes the next day, I had three tests in which I forgot to study for and probably flunked. Then my ouija board comes up, after throwing it away as my mom had told me to do.

The next morning I got on the bus to go to school. I had gotten off the bus wearing my best clothes. The person getting off after me was the football team's quarterback Jake James. Jake was really nice, and every girl loved him, but I think he is just a pretty boy that doesn't even try in school. He also was my first boyfriend and my first ex. I walked into my first hour class with Mrs. Peony. She taught English. Mrs. Peony was a little harsh, especially after she had gotten a phone call during class telling her that her husband had had a heart attack a while back.

I grabbed my folder and noticed that someone had written DIE all over it. I looked around and asked everyone who did it, but couldn't find out who did. Mrs. Peony yelled at me for screaming. People kept saying "Oh hey what's your name again? Wasn't it Sara or something?" It made me feel bad because I had went to school with these kids for twelve years.

Then a girl named Jessica Keurski asked me, "Hey, what are you doing after school today?" We were once friends in the first grade.

I lied and said "Oh nothing," when I knew my sister had a school dance recital.

"Let's hang out after school," said Jessica.

Of course I said yes and called my mom saying I couldn't make it. "I might finally have another friend and not be so lonely," is what ran through my head.

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