Chapter 13: Switch

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I was confused, but the thing that made the least sense was that I saw myself. A day had passed and then I, or the "me" I saw, grabbed the ouija board. She kept saying "If you hear me then let yourself be known," and stuff like, "You did this to yourself."

I tried to speak, but no words came out. I didn't know what happened so I decided to move the planchette to say "What is happening?" She began to say, "I am you and you are me. I will kill our whole family."

I said "Why don't you love them like I do?" through the board.

She said "I spent ten years not being able to talk to my family and if killing you can make it happen, then so be it! Mahahaha." She had tried her best at an evil laugh to make me feel worse than I already did. I had to say, it was pretty good. She must've had a lot of practice, being "trapped" for ten years without anyone to talk to.

"What!? How did you kill me?" I said. She began to say in her evilest voice she could muster, "All I had to do was jump inside of you in which sent you to my body!"

It hurt that my family hadn't even noticed. 


Yes, Katie decided to make Lea say an evil laugh. I added the two sentences after it, cuz hey, why not? I'll edit the next chapter right now and post it when I'm done.

Anyone listen to Panic! At the Disco, Twenty One Pilots, or Fall Out Boy? I'm listening to them right now and eating chicken while I edit. I'm weird, aren't I?

Again, sorry these chapters are short. I didn't write them, well I helped. But whatever. Bye.


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