Chapter 11: Why?

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I had gotten woken up by Mary every morning I was there. I really never asked for another sibling. You have no idea how much I enjoyed getting to come home. I had missed Jake, my mom, and sad to say this, but Ilyn too.

When I got home I still had this odd feeling like someone was watching me. I felt as if my Dad was lying to me about something. I grabbed the ouija board. I thought that I could find out some information. I did the usual and then asked the question, "Is there something I don't know?" in which the planchette moved to yes. I asked what it was, and all it spelled out was T-w-e-e-l-i-n-g. I had no idea what it meant. Was it a different language? I sure didn't know. 

I researched for hours and no luck. I just had to know what it meant. I even asked Jake to try and find anything about it. I then walked into my older brothers room in which still had all of his stuff in it. I looked everywhere for my brothers different languages dictionaries. I saw a pile of them under his bed, when something caught my eye. The Dutch Dictionary. The word tweeling seemed like dutch. After searching in the "T" section, I finally found out that tweeling meant twin. 

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