Chapter 20: Adjusting to Life

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Okay guys, this is the final chapter!

It took a bit of time to get back to the groove of things. I couldn't sleep because Lea was snoring on the floor a foot away from me. I finally fell asleep and woke up to something strange. My dad had made breakfast for all of us. The options were toast, waffles, oatmeal, pancakes, or cereal. My dad was not the usual person to cook breakfast, but I guess it was kind of to celebrate the day Lea "came back from the dead." 

Mary, my dad's baby, was so cute and funny. She dumped her cereal all over Ilyn, and she found out what happens when you have a little sister. Lea and I also had to babysit once in awhile and eventually my dad got Lea a bed and made the room ours. It was nice to have a twin but it could be a pain in the butt. I caught myself wanting to go to the mall just to see my sister's expression when she found the perfect heels. I began to realize she was the girly one and I was the odd one, but I enjoyed it. I wish our mom was here to see the beauty that is our family. I never did find out why the car crashed the day Lea died, but even Lea, with her sharp mind of memories, didn't remember. Eventually, I did find a news article and asked the witnesses what had happened:

10 years earlier...

A blue van was driving on a fractured highway when a green pickup appeared, driving toward the car on the van's side of the road, the wheels dancing across the pavement every few seconds back and forth and back again. The green pickup belonged to Jose Rits who had just gotten drunk at a bar. The blue van belonged to Veronica Williams who was accompanied by her five year old daughter Lea. Veronica pulled over on the correct highway shoulder to avoid collision. Jose, being drunk, did not see the blue van and continued to drive in a wobbly line, almost letting his left side wheels touch the shoulder before swinging back over to the right, avoiding the blue van though he was aware of it's presence.

After the vehicle had passed, Veronica and Lea safely arrived at a store to get some groceries. They bought the food that they were running low on, but while standing in the checkout line, it was then that Lea noticed a strange yet barely slightly familiar man staring at her. Lea didn't know the about staring for she was only a child, so of course she thought nothing of it. She thought she was safe...or so she thought. Naturally, she did not tell her mom about the man's staring.

They were back in the van driving down the highway once more when the van suddenly slammed into something on the road. The collision was so strong due to the acceleration of the van that it flipped and went into oncoming traffic on the other side. One car didn't slam the breaks in time to avoid another accident and hit the right side of the van. The car that hit the van was owned by Jake James's mom. Veronica survived the crash, but sadly Lea did not. The true thing that actually flipped the car was a ouija board. Lea does know more then she is letting on, but who else would know other then Lea, me, and of course, you. The power of the ouija board is a power that should not be denied or underestimated.

The ouija board is definitely true. I, Serena, live with the choice of using it everyday. I regret it in some ways, but if I hadn't had used it I would've never known my twin Lea. Lea actually married Jake after dating for awhile because Lea still blamed his family for she death, but she's moved past it now. Eventually they had a little girl that together they named Tiffany.

On the other hand, I got married to a guy named Rick. We were happily married after the birth of our son Derrick. I'm currently working as a teacher at the old school I used to attend. I never did talk to Jessica Keurski ever, but then again, I never saw her anymore.

I will tell you this now so you are safe or ever come across one. NEVER EVER USE THE OUIJA BOARD.

Did you really think this was the end? Well think again because the ouija board always follows. And it will never leave your side.


Alright guys, that's the end of the book! Did you enjoy Katie's story with my descriptive editing skills? That's enough of that haha. I shouldn't say this, but YES there will be another book coming soon in case it wasn't already obvious. Katie is in the middle of writing it right now, and I should start editing what she has written already before school starts again. We hoped you enjoyed and we will see you on the flip side.

~Tina Thomssen and not signed by her, Katie Duff

P.S. The message at the end about the board is true. Don't use it.

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