Chapter 14: Hope Is Dead

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This song fits this chapter. Try not to cry. TRIGGER WARNING!! If you lost your mom at some point in your life, read at your own risk. Now on with the story!


 I had spent most of my time on the other side watching and following Lea. I had to admit me and her had a lot in common. If she wouldn't have died we could of been best friends. Maybe there was a way for me to bring myself to life without putting Lea in a very sad place. The other side was pretty beautiful, but death was just a sad thing and always will be. The other side is just the world we once lived in just way prettier. The trees swayed like talented dancers, which I never saw when I was alive. I then described to Lea how I wanted to find a way for the both of us to be alive, of course through the ouija board. Lea said "I'm on board, but it's highly impossible. All we can do is hope."

Nothing is impossible. Believe me, I know. I did the impossible, but that's later.

I was sitting in the back of the classroom where no one sat and watched Lea do my usual english homework in Mrs. Pleony's classroom. I then heard the raspy sound of the intercom which sounded like someone screaming. The principal began to say "Serena Williams please report to the principal's office." Lea and I stood up at the same time during the "ohhhhhhhh" throughout the classroom. I wasn't for sure what I was going to get into, I hope it didn't give me a detention. I, Serena Williams, had a strict no detention policy, but that was before I messed with the ouija board.

Lea held the door open so I could walk in through the see through doors into the principal's office. I didn't want to try walking through the doors even though only Lea could see and hear me. The principal, Mr. Florsci, began to say "I have bad news. I just got notified that your mom is in the hospital. Please grab your things. Your father will be here shortly to pick you up and bring you to the hospital. You shall be excused from all your classes." I began to think, "My mom is in the hospital. Wait, my dad is in town." I started crying. Lea heard me and a tear made a wet stream down her cheek and onto the floor.

Lea and I waited on the gravel cement for my dad to arrive. He then pulled up in his White Suv and told Lea, who was being me, to get in, but I also got in as well. As we were driving, my dad explained that Ilyn was already at the hospital with my grandma and grandpa and that my mom had fallen down the stairs and hit her head hard. When we arrived to the white tall building we walked in. My grandma began to say while crying that while my dad was gone that the doctor came out and said that mom had just passed away. My dad ran out of the hospital to the outside bench. I didn't know what to do. Ilyn hadn't gotten told yet, she was still in the waiting room playing with her barbies. When Ilyn found out she was devastated. What was going to happened to Ilyn, Lea, and I? I guessed it was on down to Manning, IA. 


I was listening to "Shattered" by Trading Yesterday, and I started crying. The song will be in the beginning of the next chapter. I was writing how Serena and Lea were crying to add detail, so i started crying.

And this chapter is just a teensy bit longer. I wish it was longer still, but it's how long Katie wants it to be I guess. That's all I have to say. Bye.


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