Chapter 7: the voices are alway right

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Mr White PoV
It been a couple of days and everything same fine, sometimes there some hick ups but nothing bad. Nisovin been a lot happier recently and Rob social skill have gone up, they have a lot in common, I said to the boss they should do the buddy project for everyone  it seems to work it magic but he think we should wait a few more weeks or mouth. Tomorrow I am planning  for the first time in a years for Rob and mouths for Nisovin going out side the hospital,where going on a day trip out side the hospital to Art museum Rob and Nisovin both like art and our good at doing drawings , me and Jake, Moe, Rob and Nisovin are all going you probably wondering why three doctors going for only two metal I'll people well like you saw when the second day they meet things can get out of hand fast. It 8am.

Trigger warning- depression

Nisovin PoV
I look left of me and see the alarm clock that the hospital give us,  it 8am. The voices start to speak one saying your stupid, another says your ugly, some another say freak, worthless, fat. My mood is instant change but I don't want it cut myself I've been clean for 3 days and everything is going well but then one pushes me over the edge saying no one would care of you died. I can't take it anymore I need to relieve myself, so I slowly tiptoe out of bed and pull my book out under from my bed and open to reveal the blade I grab it and push my book back under the bed. I tiptoe in the bathroom, Rob still fast asleep and he still doesn't know I cut myself. I walk over to the toilet and sit down, starting to cut, one, two, three. There all bleeding but I'll clean it later, I pull up my sleeve and start to curve no one would care if I died. Then someone open the door and before I can react they see me curve the words and I guess who it is Rob, he look shock and then run to me trying to take the blade off me but I won't let him have my blade, not that I want to cut more but it for later because I know the voices will come back and when they do I want to relieve the pain of the words the reality of that I am what they say because the voices are all ways right. He then run out, I take this chance to put the blade back in the book under the bed and start to clean the cut. Then Mr White is in the room and some other doctors which I am unfamiliar with. Mr White take me into his office.

Rob PoV
I see Nisovin wake up but I close my close because I still don't want to get up yet. when I open my eyes again, Nisovin is not in his bed, I think he want to the toilet.
It been 15 minutes and he still in the toilets I decided to go check on him, I open the door and see Nisovin with a blade in one hand cutting himself but he cut something in to the arm as well. He look at me, I try to get it of him but he won't give me it. I didn't know Nisovin was a cutter, I run out to find help I can't let him do this to himself, I bump into Moe and say
"Nisovin cutting himself and he his a blade in his room, I saw him do it"
She has a shock expression on her face and run off, Mr White and some other doctor rush in there and take care of the problem while I stay here with Moe.

Mrs White
Why haven't I realise this sooner, I knew Nisovin was depressed and he start not eating but I didn't think he want cut himself or do anything this bad. The doctor Fin said he cut deep and sometimes he just does lines but he does curve into his skin word like no one would care if I died , Nisovin is on the other side of the desk.
"Nis, why you were doing so good, I never thought you would be a cutter Nisovin"

Nisovin PoV
I hate the word cutter, the word make me shake and just not want to live, if I am just a cutter what the point being alive. The thought burn into my mind repeating it self over and over.
"If I am cutter then what the point of me being alive"
I say to him he seem shock by what I said but who cares anymore, Rob told them, he thought I was just a cutter, the thought make me sick did I just lose my friend. He says.
"Nis be true with me here, how long have you cut yourself and what make you do it"
I am 17 and I start cutting about 12 well my first cut was 12 and one year later I never stop.
"12 was my first cut and 13 I did it nearly everyday and I cut because I deserve pain"
I do,I deserve pain for being born, being metal, having voices in my head and for hurting everyone i met.

Trigger warning over

Mrs White
Ooooo my god it worse than I thought, he think he deserves pain, no one deserves pain and definitely not Nisovin.

Authors note
Hey guys, sorry this chapter is short, it 9:43 and I get up for school,at 6 something and I am tried, anyway make sure to vote, comment and follow for weekly updates and by the way the pic up the top was a drawing I did I think it look bad but it goes with the story.

This was made on the Tuesday,7 June 2016
From Poblol and goodbye

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