Chapter 20: Torture

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Side note- before we start this chapter, I like to say that I've changed so if the voices are talking it will be like this voices, so it a bit easier for you to tell when the voices are talking and I like to say if you do feel depressed please tell someone and don't self-harm, tell someone, please realise that if you feel anyway depressed or self-harm tell someone and get help, this is a fictional book and I don't believe anyone should feel this way or self-harm, hospital are better places now for people and are not like stuff in this book, I will say it once again this is a fictional book. Love you all and I'm here for anyone, enjoy the book and continue reading.

Tigger warning- a little bit of language and talk of abuse, killing and insane asylums

Nisovin PoV
"It kind of scare me that I know it because I don't wanna go back home, home wasn't a good place"
"Rob, you don't have to tell me anything"
His blue gleaming eyes are watering, he put his fragile head into his skinny blood stain knees and start sobbing but it sounded like he couldn't catch his breath, silent sweep over us and light is creeping it way in through the white curtain because the sun was about to be at it peck for today.
"Hey, hey it ok"
He looks up, tears still streaming down his face, I smile to make him smile because when he smile it like nothing is wrong and we're still little kids, he try's to smile but it comes out sad and then he burst into tears again.
"C-Can I tell you. What I remember"
His voices trembles when he speaks, he snuggles into himself, he looks a bit blue, I nodded and then quickly add.
"Do you want my jumper?"
He smile sadly and nods, I pull my big white jumper over my head, lucky I had my top on but the bad thing it was short sleeve, I give him the oversize jumper, it was alway to big on me even when I got here but it look extra big because in mouths I have lose tones of weight and now the jumper look like I was a fat before I come here even though it only a median, a small even look big on me now. Rob did not take the jumper instead he was staring at my body, I suddenly feel insecure and ugly, the voices instantly take this as I advantage and start taking.
Look at you even Rob thinks your Fat, you worthless little brat
I want to cry but Rob needs my help, the voices can wait, I have rob to worry about, his faces look at my body, staring, I feel like all my flaws are on show so I cross my arms over my body.
"Your so skinny"
Rob voice shakes, I'm definitely not skinny, I'm anything but skinny, I shake my head.
"Your skin and bones, more fragile by the minute, your decaying slowly, be coming more broken each day, tell me why?"
"I-i don't want to talk about it"
I let out a few sobs, I can't cry, I have to be strong.
"Please!? Your dying!"
It hit me hard like tudor hit the ground, I'm dying but aren't we all, we're all slowly ticking until we go off and no one can stop us.
"Your right, like you said don't talk, I'll talk and I'll tell you about my life"
I look at him, his eyes are red and puffy for crying, he then take the jumper from me and put it on.
"I remember when I was little, the voices start to talk to me, I was only 5, they told me to set the house on fire, so i did, I heard my 13 sibling screaming and crying but all I did was watch the fire burn my brother to death"
He start to sob uncontrollably, under his breath he counts to 10 again.
"Rob are you sure you did that?, you would never"
"I did but that not why I don't want to go home"
"After that my mum and dad thought I had something wrong with me, they heard me talking to the voices in my bed room, so they sent me to a mental hospital"
"Yeah and now you're here"
"no, you see my parents didn't have enough money to sent me to a proper mental hospital so they reach out to an unexpected doctor, if you can call him that, he hand strange technic at hurt a lot, like shocking me, burning me with cigarettes and tieing me down to a bed and leaving me like that for hours on end"
"It sounds  like a insane asylum back in the old days, they use technic like that because they didn't understand  the human body"
he nod, he sob a little bit and then count to 10 again under his breath.
"I was only 5 when he start doing that to me, not everyday no, I want to school act happy but when I came home hell was there, when I was about 11 I went to a school called oak berry, it was a small school only 20 in a class, that where I meet Kate"
"Oooooo your best friend that we talk about"
"Kate knew nothing about what was happing to me or the voices or anything but she was still my best friend, she had this image in her head that to be best friends forever, then no one could be friends with me, so she couldn't get replaced, it got to the point where she killed a girl that smile at me in the playground"
"Well she was killing anyone who land an eyes on me, I was going mental, he increased the pain, endless torture for horses and my mum and Father didn't give two shit about it"
He breath in and out, trying no to cry again, he count to 10 under his breath again.
"By the end of that year everyone in our class was died and then I teacher offered to help me with my homework, I said yes and walk out of the room but Kate didn't she treated to kill him, she left like nothing happen, he called the police and she got arrested"
"Why is she out then?"
"A couple of mouth went by it was the summer holidays, everyday the doctor would come and everyday was unless torture, then he said he was going to perform a surgery, he explained the surgery to me and it was terrifying"
"What was it"
"It were they put a long needle above your eyes under your eyelid and shove it in, they remove the bad part of your brain where mental issues are, it only happens to extreme circumstances, most people who get this done died or become paralysed or they brain can't function anymore, but I was lucky if you could call it that, I lived with some of my Brian gone I forgot a lot, human interaction was really hard for me"
"Do you remember the surgery"
"No, just what he told me, afterwards I uses to just sit in my room and stare at the wall, my parents were reported for child neglect and child abuse, they took us all away, I was sent here and I didn't know where they are"
"If the surgery was supposed to get ruin of the mental issues then why do you still have the voices and stuff"
"They were supposed to but it didn't well some of my mental issues are gone but most of them stayed and more come"
"I'm sorry Rob"
He crying and I'm crying, sobbing, I move and hug him.
"Why?, it the past I can't change it, it scare me to death but I still can't change it"
"Life is a pain in the ass"
"yeah but it less of a pain with you"
Authors note
Hey guys, hope you guys like that, by the way insane asylum back in the old day like actually real life did this stuff they shock people and did really dusty stuff and the thing that rob went through was actually a thing they did like a said most of them who got this done died or become paralysed or they brain can't function anymore, by the way mental hospital are a lot better now and nothing happens like this anymore, ask anything in the comment and go read my new book it called fake smiles, don't forget to vote,comment and follow for weekly updates.
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