Chapter 19: Stutter

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Nisovin PoV
Yesterday was hell, Mr white think i have some kind of eating disorder but at least I convinced him to let me try and speak to Rob, I lay on my bed lifeless for a while, then someone  nock at the door pursuing it was the nurse here to force me to eat breakfast I got up and yell .
"Come in!"
The door slowly open and behind it, show a frail boy, it the black haired  boy from the test, he smile but it more like a smirk, evil like but then it charge into a frown, he smile again look the evil inside him is gone.
"H-hi my name is G-Guude, W-What your?"
He stutters a bit, I can hear sound of fear in his voice
"Hi my name Nisovin, nice to meet you"
"Y-You too, I l-like your name"
"Thanks do you wanna come in an chat?"
I know, never invite strangers in to your room especially if you live in a mental hospital, he shake his head.
"Ok well why are you here"

Guude PoV
Kill him, kill him oooooo come on
"I-I not really sure b-but I saw you around and wanted to get to k-know you"
You idiot we came here to kill him!
"Y-You seem nice"
Find I'll come out and kill your little pretty white haired FRIEND!
I wish I could speak to him by speaking in my head but I have to talk out loud, ooooo gosh he'll take control and kill him!!.i look around from somewhere to talk Guude 2, he must have a bath room, bingo I see it!!.
He start laughing, is he laughing at me.
" it Nisovin"
"Yeah that what I said"
My stutter was gone, it only happen when I'm nervous that he'll take control.
"No you said Nisovine, it Nisovin"
"What so it, Nisovine"
"No no repeat after me Nis-O-Vin"
"Yeah that it"
We sit in silence again but I quickly chirp in and say.
"Can I use your bathroom!"
I point to the bathroom, he laugh a bit saying.
"I guess you fake about wanting to know me you just want my bathroom"
He says while laughing and grinding to ear to ear.
"I'm just kidding of course you can go"
I spirt to the bathroom and sit on the floor, it cold but at least it wasn't wet
Right if you don't kill him, I will
I whisper everything I say.
"No ,you said I can choose one person to live"
So you wanna keep Nisovin alive?
"I think I do, I just don't wanna kill anyone"
So you want me to spare him, your one and only spare
I tear drips goes down my check, I lick the tear of my check, it taste of salty.
Fine, I'll back! After you've finish talking
I look it the mirror, lucky I didn't cry a lot so my eyes are not red and puffy, I take a deep breath, wait did he just she he'll going to be gone for a while, I smile crepes up on my face but it quickly disappear by the thought of him returning. I flush the toilet to pretend that I went to the toilet, the I slowly walk out of the bathroom and toward Nisovin.
"hi your back"
"Yeah I'm"
"Well I have to go soon"
"Because I have to visit my friend he.........sssick"
"Oooo right, sorry"
Silence sweep over us, even though he said he has to go, he still sat there not moving an inch.
"I can wait outside when you visit your friend"
"Great shall we go"

Warning- a little of bad language

Nisovin PoV
We walk to the room rob is in, I tell Guude to wait, he obey and still outside, I open the door.
The room is black even though it light out, the cartines were close, the room had a creepy feel about it.
"G-go away"
"Rob it me, where are you"
I look to the far corner and see a tiny body that look weak, I head pop up, his ash blonde  creepy out form everywhere, his under lip wobble, his eyes are puffy and red, his skin look more pale than usual.
"I-I don't wanna talk"
I go close but he try to move closer to the wall but he too close to the wall to backup anymore, his bare face are purple with some dry blood on them, he look more scruffy than usual, his clothes dirty with blood stains and other stains, he in a ball with only has head sticking out top, his blood stained hands cuddle his long weak legs which look more skinny. I crouch down to the floor.
"Then don't, I'll talk, you can tell me anything, look i don't know you acting this way but I'm your friend and I will anyway be your friend, we've been through tough shit but we still together helping one another, learning and teaching each other, I sea can't block us from getting to each, no one can pull us away from each because we both broken boys but together we're a beautiful broken poetry"
"T-That the nice thing anyone ever said to me"
I smile and he frowns saying
"I'm making you feel bad. Because I'm acting like a selfish little brat"
"No rob you have your reasons!"
"I-I want to tell you everything but they say that you'll think the same us them"
I know that he was talking about voices saying stuff to him but the same us whom, who he talking about he doctors or someone else.
"I would never Rob"
He nod his head fast, half of me is afraid it'll fall off because he look so weak, he sobs a bit and tears leak from his eyes and landing  on the Cold floor of the mental hospital, were broken soul go to died so they're family don't have to watch them rot away.
He bursts into tears, sobbing much more harder, I try to walk closer and comfort him but he push me to the ground, luckily I was crouching but wasn't trying to hurt me, he was trying not to get emotionally hurt by what he thought was going to happen next, he look down at the floor and breath, he mutters under his breath counting to 10 and then he looks at me with his big sad arises starring at me, he bottom lip still quivering, where has that bright blue eyed boy with the big smile went these days.
I-I r...remember........everything"

Authors notes
Sorry guys, cliff hanger like alway. So Rob remember his past so why is he in tears?, anyway please comment I don't like when your like ghost reading or follower, I want to show my appreciation back, I will comment back to you as fast as I can so ask away. I will give shoutout to people if they comment because it means a lot to me, anyway thank to reader7769 , hopeisagonyofdesire  , thejoysofwriting , lahara1 and breexy74 for following me on Instagram, comment on my book and following me on wattpad, if you wanna follow me on Instagram to get updates, early viewing on chapter and more my Instagram is called my_wattpad_books1380 it would mean a lot. Anyway don't forget to comment, vote and follow for weekly updates.
This was made on the Wednesday 10 August.
From Poblol and goodbye!
P.s I just realise I made a lot of characters hate Nisovin like Guude 2 want to kill him but he kind of want to kill anything and Kate she want to kill Nisovin too because she wants to be Rob best friend, wow I lot of people kind of wanna kill Niso, I mean Nisovin! Well I'll shut up now because you guys will get made if I carry on rumbling! Bye!

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