Chapter 22: Suicide

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"Rose's are dead
Violet are dying
Don't leave,
Or whys I my die too"
By Poblol (me)
Rob  PoV
Again i sit on the cold wooden chair, he sit behind his desk, it been a couple of weeks since Guude got arrested, apparently his daughter and my ex-friend, who I never want to see again, has been move to a better hospital for her, I shift awkwardly in the chair.
"So Rob"
"Hi, so the test you did last week"
Me and Nisovin both did a test last week, it was a normal test to see if we could go home.
"I don't think you need to be in this hospital anymore"
"B-But I don't want to go home......"
I was on the verge of tears but he butts in and says.
"You're Noting going home, your 18 in a couple of days, you'll be going into the real world, yes of course we will help you a bit to get settled and everything"
"What about nisovin is he going into the real world too"
"We think Nisovin has anorexia, he still wants to self-harm and he still hears the voices"
"So that a no"
A tear slips out of the condor of my eye and drop onto the cold floor of the mental hospital, I could never leave Nisovin , he needs me and I need him.
"I can't and I won't"
"Rob, even if Nisovin was ready to go into the real world, you and him would have to separate you see, you need to learn to live without each other"
I start to sob, I can't stop the tears, they are just falling out.
"Hey, why don't you both get something to remember each other"
"I've been with him for nearly 3 year and you just want us to separate like it no big deal, he needs me"
"That what we need to stop, him needing you, he won't be with you forever"
"I hate you!!!"
I quickly dart out of the room and towards me and Nisovin room, I open the door, he on his bed writing in his private book, I only saw it once and after that I never saw it again, he loves that book like it him, he smiles at me and then looks worried and says.
"What wrong"
I sit next to him on his bed and lean on his shoulder, i can feel the bones in it, there right he still needs help, he getting skinnier and skinnier by the day.
"T-They want to separate us"
"What into separate rooms?"
"No, you stay in this hospital, me going into the real world and never seeing you again"
His eyes widen on shock, tears slip down his hollow checks, that uses to be full of life, I looks down and left them drip.

Waring- anorexia and cutting and suicide attempt

Nisovin PoV
I let the tears fall, he leaving me, is it because  I'm still to fat, I've not eat anything and I'm still gross, i cry more, he Hugs my shoulder.
Gosh now you're lost another friend because your fat and ugly
"Nis, before they take us apart tell me your story, please"
"Ok, my mum and dad were really young when they had me and they both had depression, my mum didn't want to be pregnant, she was homeless so was my dad, I was born in a old abandoned house"
"After I was born, my mum loved me but she had voice in her head,she give in them and stabbed herself seventeen times in the stomach, my dad found her and was struck into mad rage, he burned down the house with him inside, I was luckily because I was left outside, I was find by the foster service"
Rob nods.
"I went though 23 foster home and 5 adoption until i was adopted way the Morge family, they acted nice but actually they hate me, they were stuck with me though, I went to school everything was good, I meet my 3 best friends"
"Where they nice"
"At the start yes, they were all boys, 2 of them were dating and there was one on his own that had a crush on me, I don't like boys or girl for that matter or anything sexually, so I didn't like him back, he kissed me once and I didn't like it, I didn't even won't to kiss him, so I punch him in the face"
Rob burst out laughing, I laugh a bit too and say.
"I didn't mean to, Anyway he told his friends and they all gang up on me, they told the school lies and everyone bullied me and it drew me to insanity, I use to write on the bathroom walls, anyway back home I use my wall, I start caving stuff into it like worthless and stuff like that, this was at the time when I start self-harming"
Rob nodes again.
"Anyway I was at my exam test and I went insane, the voices were talking to me like nuts so I scribbled on my paper saying the voices in my head are killing me, I then run out of the room and toward my house"
"I decided i was going to kill myself, so I tried a rope to my light bulb, tied it along my neck and I kick the stall beneath me, I start to black out but then the light bulb snap of the ceiling and I fall, I failed at killing myself, the school told the hospital about the voices in my head and come strait to my house, then they took me to the hospital, were we are now"
"So Bully is what nearly killed you"
"No rob suicide is what nearly killed me"

Author notes
Hey guys, hope you like it, I hope you like the quote I made, please if you use my quote give me credit for making it, did you like the pic above don't judge a book by it cover, check out my other books and don't forget vote, comment and follow for weekly updates and check out my friend book it called why did you go and her username is Orchid43
This was made on Thursday 25 August 2016
From Poblob and goodbye!!

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