Chapter 24: end

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Dear no one

So you know the story about me and rob of how it all start, let me tell what happen after Rob left, it wasn't all happy but I tried, I start eating normal again and I didn't purge again because when ever I felt like not eating or want to purge, I just look at my tattoo and it made me stop it. The voices in my head, took longer to stop well they never stop completely, still are there but there less common, I don't have medication for he voices, they didn't really know how to stop it but someone it came less common. The self-harm too longer to stop, I really never stop, someone days I just cut my self but I stop doing so common.
Then it come the day, where Mr White said I'm going to leave the mental hospital, I got sent out, thing didn't go well, you see a they say that I'm healthy and that I don't need support to get a job but I said I didn't have any GCSE, they didn't care, so now I'm on the street, all I've got is my book and my blade, I'm now 27, do the math.
So I can't get I job, I have about £10and I'm homeless.
So now I decided I'm going to kill myself.

From Nisovin Ward

Warning: suicide mention
Nisovin PoV
I decided to go to the store to buy bleach, I walk into the store, the cashier give me a mean look, I walk down the ally, the bleach was on the top self, I reach to get it but it falls off the opposite side.
I hear a person say, I walk to the next ally, and see a frizzy ash blonde hair with blue eyes, omg gosh it Rob, he look at me, the shock in his eyes, I then run out the door of store and back to my corner.

Warning over

Author note
Hey guys, yeah there going to be a squall, The squall called Broken boys (not alone buddy squall) so go check it out now, Don't forget to comment, vote and follow for weekly updates.

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From Poblol and goodbye!!

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