Chapter 13: Betrayal

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Nisovin PoV
It been 4 days since Mr white hit me, we haven't talk, me and Rob are awake At 10 a clock and your poster be in bed by 9 or they give you a warning. I've had 3 warning and there not nice, it can rage to different stuff something they take away stuff from you. They took away my comic book and drawing book once, I had Nothing to do. me and rob were talking and drawing. He draw this really cool drawing of fang but he said he not good at colouring so I did that, he said I made the drawing come alive.
"How was your school life or do you even remember because of you not remember stuff"
"I remember some like a remember a girl called Kate, she was my best friend but some people took her for some reason which I don't know and I remember nothing else"
"Did you know like the girl"
"Yeah she was my friend I think so of course I like her"
"No I mean like like"
"What do you mean?"
"You know sexual attraction or love her"
"What!!!, NO of course not"
I laugh, he smile
"She was a good friend I never thought of her in that way, did you have any friends Nisovin "
The word friend make my bones shiver, I did have really good friends until I muck it up, I am the reason I have the voices because of something I did that upset that person and the other friends bullied me until I get that message into my thick brain, they taught me lessons that I will never forget even if I tried.
"You don't have to tell if you don't feel comfortable telling me yet"
"Sorry it just the voices come with ruin that friendship"
"I am sorry"
"Why are you sorry I did this to myself"
"No you didn't Nisovin, it wasn't your fault no one fault, getting a mental illness is no one fault"
"You don't understand Rob"
"I know that your trying to stop the voices your fighting, just like me"
"Rob you've got a mental illness but my voices teach me lessons your are here to kill you or try to be your friend mine are different they teaching me and there right their alway right"
"No there not, they tell your to kill yourself and to not be friends with people isn't right"
"Just shut up Rob you don't understand, you'll never understand"
I put my hand over my ear and I want to scream, yell something. The voices were whispering while I was talking it start when he said friend and everything went to hell, I pull my knees into my chest and try to be as small as possible.
I shake my head, I stand up and run out of our room into the dunk hall way, which look spooky at the night time. I look back at the door and sign because Rob did not run after me, I walk along the hallway. I see Moe, I start walk toward her but I then think it night of course she'll be mad and I'll get a warning. She with a boy, his dark blonde her is smooth on his head, only a little fringe and his brown eyes, he was wearing a green top and blue bottom. I hear Moe shouting at him but he shout back, she says.
"Get in your room now"
Her use to be nice tone is now stir and ruff.
"Because I said so"
He then burst into tears but I know those tears are fake because I use to have tho tears but he so hard to read.
"I don't like being alone someone alway stay with me I am sorry"
That lier or maybe not, he actually look scared and sad in his eyes, really sad, I am probably wrong about him faking it.
"I'll come in with you then"
She smile and comes in to the room. He smirks and that not what scared me it the look in his eyes, blood thirsty like the devil eyes, his eyes are no different form your or mine but what once where his scared and sad pupils it now excited and evil. I start to run back but before I go in to the room, I hear a shrink for help, the last cry for someone but then nothing just the sound of me opening the door.

Unknown PoV
She went into the room, I then see a white haired boy before walking in myself.
"Ok,I'll sit in the chair......"
Before she can say anything else, I pull the kinfe behind me and stab the doctor with all my mite, I stab her again and again. She was on the floor looking up begging.
"Please...for god sake please do not kill....,"
I swing my mouth down to my neck and bite, the taste of the rich nice blood fill my mouth. She scream her last scream, I drink the life out of her. I then drag her into the closest and shut her in, I clean the blood of the floor and myself, removing all evidence. I am not a vampire just well what Guude says I am is mental insane and so is he tho.

Another unknown PoV
God please help me, he kill her, I like her a lot. He want to kill someone, I was afraid so I got her and he protested to not go to sleep, I told her I didn't want to sleep alone and she wanted to come in with me, I shouldn't of let her. I was afraid to go asleep alone because I thought he may kill someone but he did anyway and now I still will be sleeping alone with the taste of blood still in my mouth.

Authors notes
Hey guys, omg Moe, I am so sorry. Anyway don't forget to vote, comment and follow for weekly updates. Comment about the another unknown PoV who was in the room with him.

This was made on Tuesday 21 June 2016

From Poblol and goodbye!!!

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