Chapter 16: forgeten past

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Rob PoV
I smile at Nisvoin and he didn't smile back, why?!, I can't have done something wrong, it must be the test, Well I hope that why he didn't smile back. I'am glad that he and me made up, we had a bad fight yesterday well at night but after he storm out, I got into my bed, sometime in the night he snuggle up to me, I heard him start to cry so I hug him and now we both fine but what if now he mad at me now. I don't think I can take not talking to him again, the last time I stop eating and hand thoughts about killing myself, I had cut myself  too for the first time, I don't want to go through that again, I am normal never depress, normal i'am just hyper or really really happy. I actually kind of hate being hype or just really really happy, I just want to be fine or just happy it would be sooooo much easier for me, when I'm hyper I run and pop around everywhere. Sometimes I wish to be depress because I hate with a passion being hyper, I know I am being stupid wishing that but it would be a change for what i have. Then I hear a booming voices says.
"Rob go on in!!"
I look up and see one of the men that was guarding the door, I get up slowly, his red face shows anger, I speed walk pass him and to the door, the other one nods and opens the door. I walk in, in front of me there a glass widow and through that glass widow there 3 people, two men's and one women, there like robots they show no expression just blank like a sheet of blank paper. Then a look around, I am in a glass box, why! I'am I in a box, well this is my worse nightmare ever.the women look at me and says.
"Hello Rob, do you know why you are here to do today"
"Because we're doing a test"
"Yes but no, Where here to find out stuff about you, do you know how this works?"
I shanks my head, I look at her she like dull and fake like something from a movie but not like super model, she just odd but I don't know what odd about her tho.
"A person will come in and inject you with sirup, it called truth, it will make you tell the the truth if you try to hide the truth it will hurt you until you say the truth, we will ask you questions answer honestly and it will be easy, ok, any questions"
I shake my head again.
Then the door opens, I jump at it opening, I move my shoulder closer to my neck, the person moves closer, he wearing a mask which make me shanks and tremble at the sight. I back away from the mask person, but he grab my shoulder and moves me to the middle at again, I feel his breath on my neck it smell like alcohol and smoke, I cough and a shiver runs down my spine, the mask person's cold hands touch the side of my neck, then I felt a prick on that side. Instantly I can't move my body and I am dizzy, what the hell did they just inject into me. My feet wobble and not stable but I don't fall over for some reason, she start to speak and says.
"Rob, where going to ask you a simple question and if you answer truthfully or be in pain and then say the truth either way, then  we will know if it works ok"
I nod my head, afraid to speak.
"Rob why did your mum and dad bring you to the hospital"
I try to speak to say I don't know or I don't remember but I just can't, it feel like water is filling my throat, like I am drowning, my legs feel week and floppy but I the same time they feel broken and dead inside, my head hurt like someone it trying to get in or something try to get out, my throat is burning and my eyes burning too. I'am now on the ground I don't know when I fall or went down but I'am on the floor, I hear people screaming but my throat hurt is raw, wait I was screaming, I look up and see the 3 doctor talking and shouting. One of them says to the women.
"You idiot he can't answer the question, people have ask him before remember"
She shout back.
"Well he could have been lying you don't know"
The other men who didn't shout at her before said.
"Who care let get him help"
They run out of the room, I can hear my heartbeat it sound like it going to break out, the world keep going black and I just can't keep my eyes open. I close them, I open and see they doctors there trying to talk to me but I don't hear them, they voices are not right. I close my eyes again, I open it feel like second have pass but I am now on a moving bed, there something on my mouth and one of the doctors are saying something but I just can't keep my eyes open and my whole body feels so numb and I can't move anything, I just can't keep them open............

Warning- Strong language- not a lot tho

Nisovin PoV
Doctors and nurses are running down the hall, look behind me and see someone on a gerny, I look closer and see fizzy ash blonde hair everywhere, shit it Rob.

Warning over

Authors notes
Hey guys, hope you like this Chapter sorry I haven't update a lot, I've been on holiday in a hot country so not a lot of wifi but I have updates now so yay, so don't forget to vote, comment and follow for weekly updates and comment about what going to happen to Rob, love to know.

This was made on the Monday 18 July 2016

From Poblol and goodbye!!
P.S I change my name back to Poblol just to say if you don't know what I mean then just forget this little P.S I just said bye

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