Chapter 1: My Love

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Chapter 1: My love. 

I walked down the narrowing path that led to the dormant forest. The rocks that covered the path made no noise under my feet. But the snow crunched with every step I took. I kept walking to the forest…. The forest I was afraid to go in ever since I was a little girl. Ever since I saw those dark brown eyes, those yellowing teeth that were like razor blades as they pierced through my soft, warm flesh. Ever since I almost died, the day I was never to forget….

I shivered slightly, and hugged my coat closer to my body even though I knew it wasn’t from the cold, but I’d like to believe that I’m not so scared….The snow fell to the ground slowly, as my breath could be seen in front of me. But as soon as the ghostly cloud came, it was gone just as fast. I rubbed my hands together, my thin brown gloves giving me barley any warmth and readjusted my warm, green hat so it covered my probably bright red ears. My eyes darted around the trees, nervously looking around the darkened forest.

The snow crunched beneath my boots and I suddenly stopped, my ears listening intently as question ran around my head. My eyes were wide, despite the fact that the increasing snow began to blur my vision. After a few minutes of pointless listening, I started walking again, slower making my normal, fast strides into baby steps. I looked down at the ground and back up to the trees, then behind me, and I repeated this process with every step I took. Delaying myself from walking closer to the forest.

It’d been years since the incident, and I still couldn’t face my fears. It was aggravating to always be afraid, to not be able to go into your backyard and just stand there, or play with your family and enjoy picnics and outings. It gets to you some times, and you start to have these ‘what if’s’ running through your head, and you start to beat yourself up mentally, telling yourself over and over again that there’s nothing to be afraid of. There’s nothing to worry about. Everything is fine, nothing will happen…..

I sighed and looked towards the ground. My snow boots put an indent of about 3 inches into the snow.

“Stupid snow…I love you…” I whispered to the snow, looking up at the gray sky as the snow fell upon my freezing face.

I heard someone running behind me, their shoes making a loud crunching noise in the open clearing. I heard them shouting my name, and I turned around my eyes wide as a small smile crept its way onto me face.

“Faye!” He shouted his hands cupped over his mouth.

“Over here Luke!” I shouted back waving my hand.

A relieved expression crossed his face as he jogged over to me his feet barley touched the ground. His long legs made him move a lot faster than I ever could, his arms moving in synchronization. His short black hair was covered in little speck of white. His beautiful brown eyes were squinted trying to see me through the furiously falling snow. His thin pink lips were in a small smile, the smile that I loved so much…

His medium sized nose was red from the cold. And his eyebrows were raised as he ran over to me. I looked down, hoping he wouldn’t see the tears that welled in my eyes. As soon as he was in front of me, I heard no sound, but the low whistling wind. Suddenly his arms wrapped around my torso, his hands resting on my back as he squeezed me tight towards him. I wrapped my arms around his torso. He was too tall for me to reach his neck….

I rested my head on his cold wet jacket. I didn’t really care though; his body heat radiated from him, and made me feel warm, and tired.

“What are you doing out here?” He mumbled into my hair.

“Trying to face my fears,” I whispered hoping he didn’t hear me…

“We can face your fears another day, with or without me, but not today Angel, I don’t want you getting ill or injured….” Too bad he somehow hears everything I say…

I reluctantly let go of him, and took his hand in mine and started walking back. He looked down at me affectionately as we began walking. The bleak sky darkened and the snow was being whipped furiously around by the strong wind. A blizzard was coming, you could feel it. The snow hit my face, feeling like rocks were being thrown at me as we continued to walk back. Everything around us was silent; the only thing that was heard was the crunching of the snow beneath our feet and our soft breathing, a chatter of my teeth, and a ruffle of our clothing… Everything else was quiet….Everything was deadly quiet…. But isn’t that what winter is? Deadly…? We describe it as this winter wonderland, but we all know winter brings upon the death of the weaker species, it kills the trees, and it makes you cold….so cold…

It’s on those snowy days that you sit inside, sipping on your hot chocolate as it runs down your throat and the chocolaty flavor explodes in your mouth…. And a small smile comes to your face, knowing you feel content…Until you start to think… and thinking is sometimes not as good as it seems… It brings back memories… Death…. Death leads to another thing, then another thing, then another…..

And all I can think about is that Death…. That stench of death…Why am I thinking such thoughts….? I ask that question to myself every single day…

“Faye….” Luke whispered in my ear breaking me from my thoughts, thankfully.

“Yes amore?” I asked softly.

“You know you shouldn’t think so much Angel…” He said staring into my fierce brown eyes.

“I know….” I whispered, as our chocolate eyes blended together….Standing out in the never ending snow….

I looked up at Luke, watching him as he tried not to shiver; he’s such a boy… A boy with too much pride to admit he’s cold.

I took the hat I had in my pocket out and placed it on his head, and then I took my left glove off, which was entwined with Luke’s hand and slipped it on his left hand.

“You know you should know better than to just come outside with just a jacket on!” I said narrowing my eyes, my lips in a straight line as I shook my head with disapproval.

“I know I know I’m sorry love,” He whispered as he tried to hold back a smile.

We continued to walk in silence. We both enjoyed the comfortable silence. Why use words to disrupt such a perfect moment? Why speak when there’s no need to… all that matters is that I have him beside me, hand in hand….

Suddenly Luke stopped as I was pulled back with some force. He stood there, his mouth agape. He listening intently as his eyes narrowed slightly. He slowly turned around and looked behind us…almost as if he was surveying our surroundings…. Like there was something that was watching us…It felt like there was….You know that feeling you get…And it sends shivers down you spine… and your heart accelerates? But it’s not in that kind of excited way… it’s in that… Oh god… what is going on? What’s wrong? Is everything okay? It’s like your thoughts pound along to the rhythm of your heart….

He began to start walking again, lightly tugging on my hand as his pace fastened with each step.

“Come on Angel, we don’t want you to catch a cold being out here for so long…” He said as he looked over his shoulder every so often.

Worry prominent on his face as his eyebrows creased together slightly and his lips were in a thin line. I knew he was lying to me. How much more obvious can you make it? Something’s wrong…. And he won’t tell me….he never lies to me… and when I say he never lies to me, I mean he doesn’t lie to me about things like this…I try to get him to tell me everything… Yeah sometimes he doesn’t… but now… now it’s a big deal because there is something major going on that I don’t know about… Now I’m going to be worried about him being worried! I don’t even know if that makes sense….

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