Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Come on Willow, or we're going to be late for school!" My twin,Emily,yells at me from the bottom of the stairs. I mentally check my backpack then say it out loud,"Knife,$3,000, and passport." "Coming!" I yell as I run down the stairs. I walk to my car and get in. "Want a ride, oh twin of mine?" I ask, and she nods. "Yeah, the triplets and the twins left me." She says, and we drive to school.

"We have every class together except for math." Emily says and I nod. "Well see you later. Be careful, and don't do anything I wouldn't do to anyone." I say and she laughs. "I make no promises." She says and I laugh. "Bye, love you." I call out and she nods then I walk to class.

"Class can you tell what pi is?" The teacher asks as I walk in. " Pi is a formula used to find the area and the circumference of a circle." I say as I walk up to her and she nods. "That's correct Miss..." She trails off. "Gomez. I'm Willow Gomez." I finally for her and she nods. "Well Miss Gomez. You can just have a seat in the back." She says and I shrug, and sit down next to a boy with moppy jet black hair that falls into his eyes. I plug in my earphones and pick one of my playlist at random then hit the play button. I'm on my second playlist when someone taps on my shoulder. I pause my song, pull out my earphones, and look at the person who just tapped me on my shoulder. "What do you want?" I snap at the boy with moppy black hair. "What's your name?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "You should have been paying attention to the teacher." I say and he shrugs. "I find you way more interesting than the teacher. Your name?" He says simply and I blush. "It's Willow." I say and he holds out a hand. "I'm William." He says and I take his hand and shake it before I let go, and put my earphones back in.

"So how was your class without me?" Emily asks and I shrug as I bite into my burger. "It was fine. I even met someone." I say and all of their eyes widen. "You met someone?" My six sisters ask in unison and I nod. "Yeah, his name's William." I say and feel something hit my back. "Who threw that?!" I yell and a boy at a tablet acres the yard raises his hand. Emily tries to grab me, but she's a second too late and I run at the boy and slam him against the wall.

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