Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

William drives us to his house and I'm trying to calm my racing nerves. He pulls into a long and dark driveway that seems to stretch out for miles and miles. I watch as the scenery breaks away from blackness to a pleasant, small, navy blue lake. (A/N Bonus points if you can tell me where that scene is from out of a Creepypasta book 😝😝) "That lake looks beautiful....." I mumble to myself as I continue to look at it, and feel the car pulls to a stop slowly. "Wanna go and take a closer look?" I hear William ask and I open the door and run towards the lake before I get the chance to nod my head.

I can hear the crunch of rocks behind me and underneath my feet so I assume that William is following behind me. I get to the lake and sit down right in front of it carefully before I pull off my shoes and dip my legs into the lake. I look up to see William pulling off his shoes and sitting down next to me. He pulls off his shoes and socks then lays his feet in the water next to me. I look back at the water but I can still feel his eyes on me as he moves closer to me. He takes my hand in his but I don't pull away.

"Willow....about what happened yesterday, I'm so sorry. It's just......" He says then trails off. I look at him and see that he's looking at the lake and not me. "It's just what, William? What is it?" I ask as I look at our hands. "A few years ago I met a girl....she was perfect to me and my little and underdeveloped mind. I would've given her the world if she asked me to.

"We had been together for a year when her ex had came back into town. I was worried about him, but she told me not to be. Me, being the idiot that I was, decided to believe her. So I let them continue to hang out, and didn't interfere or do much about it. I assumed that she was over him, and that she loved me and only me. I've never been so wrong in my entire life.

"One day I decided to go and surprise this girl (named Samantha) because we hadn't spent much time together. I got dressed up in my best tux, which was funny seeing a 14 year old in a tux, got a bouquet of roses and tulips and went to her house. Her ex's motorcycle was there but I didn't mind and went in the unlocked door which was odd.

"I went inside the house and heard groaning which had me worried. I called out Samantha's name, but no one answered. I went to her bedroom because we used to study there before her ex came back into town. I opened the door and walked into Samantha's ex fucking the living daylights out of her. She was groaning and moaning, and begging for him to go faster.

"I walked out of the room and left. I cried and threw the flowers at the both of them and stormed down the stairs. They followed me and I took her ex's head and put it through the wall. I was heartbroken and I decided to never let anyone's ex get in between me and my girlfriends ever again.

"That was why I snapped during lunch. I didn't even want to think about walking in and seeing Miguel on top of you fucking your brains out.....I'm worry Willow." He says quietly and I look at him. I lay my head on his shoulder and hold his hand tighter. "I'm so sorry William. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I ask as I look at the lake.

"I don't like to tell everyone about my personal life, and besides it was really embarrassing. I cried.....I've never told anyone besides Edward." He explains and I nod my head. I tilt his head and make him look at me before I kiss him softly. "I'm so sorry William." He kisses me back and I notice a tear fall down his face. I wipe it off and wipe off another one as it falls. I hug him tightly and wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist. 

"I love you William. I'd never do that to you." I tell him and splash some water into his face. "I know that Willow, and I love you too." He replies and smiles. "Water in my face? Really?" He asks and splashes me with water as well. I stand up and splash more water into his face as I smile. He pulls me down and into his lap. "I love you Willow. Always and forever, alright?" He says as I cup his cheeks softly with my hands. "I love you too William. Always and forever." I reply and smile widely.

I stand back up and pull him up next to me. I grab my shoes and take his hand in mine. He grabs his shoes as well and holds my hand tighter. We walk back to the car and he opens the car door for me and I get in. He gets to his side of the car and gets in. I watch as he cuts (turns) back on the car and start to drive. "Where are you taking me?" I ask and look at him. "Just up the road to my house. You said that you'd spend the night at my house, remember?" He says and I nod my head.

We get to William's house and I gape out of the car's window. It's a modest black house with black windows, and a chain length fence around the house. "Your family sure does like privacy, don't y'all?" I ask as I get out of the car. "Yep. We didn't wanna draw any attention to ourselves." He says as he looks down and blushes. I laugh and get out of the car. "It must've been awful for Peter, right?" I ask and he nods. "He acted like he had just been shot. You know how prideful he is and all that." He replies as he grabs my bag and we walk into the house.

I follow him up the stairs and down a long hallway until we reach a room at the end of the hall. He opens the door for me and I walk in first before I start to look around. The room is navy blue in color with black here and there. Black bed spread and black curtains, but navy blue furniture and the wall is painted navy blue. There's gym equipment on one side of the room, but it's just dumbbells and weights....not the actual weightlifting equipment. "I like your room. It's very dark." I say quietly and he laughs as he walks over to the drawers. "What can I say? I really like to sleep in." He replies and I laugh as he makes his way to the bathroom.

By the time he comes back, I'm laying on his bed with my phone plugged into his speakers. He shakes some water out of his hair and looks at me. "Why are you listening to music?" He asks as he throws some clothes in a hamper. I sit up and look at him before I reply, "This house is too.....quite for me. I'm always used to hearing more from a house." He nods and sits next to me on the bed then pulls us back down. "I completely agree with you, and it's usually full of noise, but my brothers are with your sisters." He says as we both look up to the ceiling. I turn on my side and look at him as he keeps looking up.

I close my eyes and lay my head on his chest before I start to fall asleep. "Willow? Are you about to go to sleep on me again?" William asks but I don't bother trying to reply with actual sentences. I just nod my head and move closer to him. He chuckles and lays me on his chest pulling me closer to him. "Well then goodnight my Willow Tree." William says into my hair and I fall asleep after that.

(A/N So......I'm not dead, and I'm going to update wayyyy more often. I'm sorry that I've been gone since early September, but I'm back and just in time for the holidays. Happy early Thanksgiving Day!!!! 😊😊)

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