Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I don't know when I wake up but I know that I hear voices. I look at William to see that he's still sleeping. I shake him slowly to wake him up, but he turns over and pulls me closer to him. "William you need to wake up someone's in the house." I whisper but he still doesn't wake up. I silently curse at him then punch him in the gut. I jump out of the way just in time before William throws a left hook. "What's going on?!" William shouts and I cover his mouth with my hand. "Someone's in the house! Go sneak up to my room, and I'll be there in a few minutes." I whisper shout at him and he looks at me. "What about you?" He asks and I laugh. "This is my house. No one breaks into my house and comes out alive." I say then pull put a gun from under one if the cushions. He looks at me and smiles. "I think that I'm in love." He says and I blush. "I know. Now hurry up and go." I say and he kisses me on the lips. "Where's your room?" He asks as he stands in the doorway. "My name's on the door." I say and he nods before he makes a mad dash. I wait a few minutes before I walk out of the room and open the front door. I blink once. Then twice. Then repeat. "What are doing here Emily! It's 12:00 in the middle of the night!" I shout as I look at my phone. "I had my date then we kind of lost track of time." Emily answers sheepishly with a blush on her face. "Who was your date?" I ask as she comes in. She closes the door behind her and looks down as she answers "Edward". I look at her and smile. "It's okay. His twin is in my room." I say to her and her eyes widen yo the size of golf balls. "William's in the house?!" She shouts and I nod. "Yeah. He came over and we watched a movie. We kind of fell asleep by accident." I say and she nods. "Well I'm going to go tell him that he should leave before the rest of the sins get home." I say and we laugh at our little joke. "The rest of the sisters are staying with their dates. So William can stay here if you want. I'm about to call Edward over here." She says and I nod. "Sure, but Lucy used all of the condoms." I say with a wink and she blushes. "Goodnight, Emily. Tell Edward that I said 'Hi'." I say as I walk up the stairs. I get to my room to see William sitting on my bed and looking at my engraved knife. "Where did you get this?" He asks as I close the door. I sit down beside him and take the knife from his hands. "I got this from someone who was very close to me before he left me." I say and a tear falls onto my hand. "He?" He asked with a little hint of jealousy in his tone."He was just someone that I wish I never met." I say with a lot of anger in my voice and more silent tears fall down my face. William pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "It'll be okay. Now that he's gone it just means that you can be with me." He says and I laugh. He holds me longer and I start to yawn. "Are you about to go to sleep again?" He asks and I nod my head. "You can go home if you want to, but your brother should be here with my sister." I say and he smiles. "I think that I'll just stay here." He says and lays us down. I curl up beside him and yawn again. "Oh if my sisters come in and see you,you better have some quick reflexes." I say and he laughs. "I'll be fine. Goodnight." He says and I yawn before I go back to sleep. 

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