Chapter 6 : Kidnapped

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💫Akatsuki's Hideout💫

A few months past by and Pain ordered one of the akatsuki's to take Mika away from Madara and Hashirama.


"Yes Leader-sama?"

"Today is the day we take the child. Go to Konoha at evening."


💫Evening At Konoha💫

Hashirama and Madara are sitting on the couch watching television while Mika was sleeping in Madara's arms.

"Well Madara, I guess that young Mika needs to go to her room."

"But Hashirama she looks so adorable when she sleeps like that!"

"She still needs to go to bed."


Hashirama got up and held Mika gently from Madara so she wouldn't wake up and took her to her room. When Hashirama laid her down on the bed sheets, he kissed lightly on her forehead.

"Good night Mika."

Mika smiled while she was sleeping and Hashirama smiled. Hashirama walks out of Mika's room and lightly closes the door, Hashirama turned and saw Madara leaning against the wall staring at him in the eyes.


Madara smirks at Hashirama and went to bed to cuddle.

💫Minutes Later💫

Itachi was sent to Konoha to take Mika while Madara and Hashirama are sleeping. Itachi quietly went to the hokage's house by using his crow clone jutsu to turn him into one. He saw that Mika's window was open and flew to the opening entrance. Itachi turned himself back to normal and walked up to the sleeping infant. Itachi gazed at her for a moment but realised that he is still in the hokage's house, he got a blanket to cover up the baby and held her quietly and gently and jumped out of the window caring Mika still to secure her and went straight to the Akatsuki Hideout. By the time Itachi got to the hideout, he saw Konan waiting for him outside.

"Itachi, I'll carry the child."

"I refuse, I'll give the child to Leader-sama. Not you."


Itachi walked past Konan to go to Pain to give him Mika. When he went to Pain's office, Pain opened the door before Itachi knocked.

"Come in."

Itachi went inside his office.

"I did what you told me to Leader-sama."

"Excellent, give me the child."

Itachi gave Pain Mika. Pain looked at Mika while she is sleeping, Pain smiled a little but turned his smile to a cold expression.

"Itachi, tell Deidara and Sasori to build a crib for Mika."

"I will."


Itachi walked out of the office while Pain looked back at Mika again.

"Mika... Welcome to your new home."

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