Chapter 18 : A Day At The Park (Kakuzu & Hidan) Pt.1

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Mika sat on the floor watching Tv as Hidan in the background on the couch eating doritos. As the two of them were watching Tv, Kakuzu came to the living room and blocked their view.

"What the hell are you doing old fag!? Can you see I'm watching!"

"I don't care, Pain called us to go to his office for something."

Hidan slumped against the couch and angrily groaned.

"Ugh! Another damn mission?"

Mika looked at her two brothers tilting her head in confusion.

"What's going on?"

Kakuzu looked at Mika and sighed.

"It's nothing Mika. Go to the garden to play with Tobi."


Mika ran at the back to play with Tobi while the albino and the dark haired walked into Pain's office. Pain looked at them with his expressionless face. Kakuzu and Hidan stood there facing him in silence.

"What do you want us to do Pain?"

Hidan said impatiently, Pain looked at Hidan then at Kakuzu.

"Kakuzu, I want you and Hidan to do a favor for me."

"What is it that we can do Leader-sama?"

"I want you both to take Mika to the park."

Hidan eyes widened as Kakuzu closed his eyes and crossed his arms sighing.

"W-WHAT!? Are you kidding me!? I just want to watch some television here!"

"That is not my problem Hidan. I just want the both of you to take Mika to the park. I don't want her getting hurt and take of her Understood."



Both males went out of the office. Hidan held his head in distressed as Kakuzu didn't do nothing.


"Shut up Hidan. It's just today, nothing bad is gonna happen alright?"

"I don't care! We have to take care of our fucking 'lil sis, I am very damn bad at it ok! I didn't even pay attention to Mika when we're swimming!"

He waves his arms vigorously at Kakuzu.

"Hmp, well that was the past. We need to go and get Mika, call her."

Hidan mumbled and walked at the back and called Mika.

"Hey Mika! Kakuzu and I are taking you the park!"

Mika stopped at whatever she was doing and jumped up and down happily as she was clapping her fingers.

"Yay! We're going to the park! Ooo! Can Tobi come with us!"

"Tobi wants to come with Mika-chan!"

Tobi jumped up hugging her in his arms happily.

"No, we are not bringing the bastard with us."

"Aww, sorry Tobi."

"Tobi is ok! Tobi will wait for you here when you come back!"

Tobi placed Mika to the floor.

"Come on Mika, Kakuzu is waiting for us."

"Brother Kakuzu is coming too!"


As the both of them were walking towards Kakuzu. Kakuzu wasn't there.

"Huh? Nii-san's not here?"

"What? Where the hell is he?"

As Hidan and Mika were standing, Mika was suddenly got picked up by muscular arms.


It was Kakuzu holding her.

"Come on Hidan, lets take her to the park."

At The Park

Mika hugged her two brothers and then ran to the park to go on the swings, her favorite. Hidan and Kakuzu sat on a bench across from the park watching Mika. Hidan got a book and started reading it, Kakuzu made a WTF face at Hidan.

"What are you doing Hidan?"

"Reading. Why the hell would you want to know? Huh?"

"I just never knew that you would read a book."

"I'm just reading about fucking Jashin ok?"

As the two of them were jibber jabbering, they soon stopped and watched Mika seeing her play on the monkey bars. Soon, Hidan and Kakuzu were getting tired and fell asleep.


A few hours later, the two men woke up from their beauty sleep.

"Ahh, that was damn good to sleep like that."


They soon realized that the park was completely empty and nobody was around the park and Mika wasn't there. Hidan and Kakuzu were horrified that Mika is gone and were promised by their leader to take care of her, but now, Mika is missing.


To Be Continued

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