Chapter 19 : Feeling Guilty (Kakuzu & Hidan) Pt.2

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The two men searched all over the park. Not a single person was there only Kakuzu and Hidan.

"No! No! No! No! This would've never happen if we slept like idiots!"

"Calm down Hidan, we'll find her."


Hidan got hit by Kakuzu on the head leaving him having a pink bump on his head.

Hours Later

It's been hours and they still haven't found Mika. They searched the bathrooms, the parking lot, the park again but no Mika. Kakuzu fell on his knees shaking, Hidan stopped walking and saw his partner on the floor. He walked up to Kakuzu and bend down on his knees.

"What the fuck happened to you?"

"It's nothing"

Hidan smirked

"Are you worried about Mika?"

"Why would you say that?

"I can tell by your face."

Hidan smirked at him leaving Kakuzu blushing.

"Shut up"

"Heh, c'mon lets go and find Mika."


The two men were really worried about her. As they were walking down the pathway, they saw their leader, Pain.

"P-Pain! What are you doing here!?"

Hidan said in a panic tone. Pain tapped his foot on the floor.

"So, gentlemen. Where's Mika?"

The two men got nervous and sweat dropped. Them both haven't told their leader that Mika disappeared, so Kakuzu had to say it.

"Well, leader-sama,"

"Hm? Didn't I tell you that you need to take care of her?"

"Yes and we know that we have to take care of her it's just that-"

Kakuzu then got cut off by a sweet little voice that he recognized before.


Mika came running to Pain and hugged him, Pain hugged her back as well. Hidan and Kakuzu eyes widened seeing her right in front of them.

"What the hell Mika!! Where the hell have you been!? We were so worried about you!"

Mika looked up at her jashinist brother and smiled.

"I saw Pain walking by while you guys were sleeping. I didn't want to disturb you so I just went with nii-san."


Hidan fainted and hit to the floor while Kakuzu just shaked and sat down sweating.

"Thank goodness that your alright Mika."

"It's ok Kakuzu, nii-san told me that this is just a test for the both of you!"

"A test?"

Pain nodded as he was carrying Mika back to the hideout.

"Kakuzu, Hidan, let's go back to the hideout at once."

Kakuzu nodded and dragged the unconscious Hidan to the hideout.

To Be Continued

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