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The games seemed to have broken all of the surviving demigods.

Clarisse la Rue felt crushing guilt for attempting to kill so many of her friends. Nothing could make her feel whole again, except for Chris. She found solace in her boyfriend Chris Rodriguez, who understood what it felt like to betray loved ones.

Will Solace didn't endure much in the games, but he did know that Nico did. He spent the next few months at his boyfriend's side, making sure that he was never in too much emotional turmoil.

Thalia Grace left the arena feeling stronger than she was before. The Hunt welcomed her again with open arms and she made sure to seek out even more young female demigods in order to provide them with safety. Bianca and Zoe's deaths would not be in vain.

Reyna Ramirez- Arellano returned to Camp Jupiter immediately and work became her therapy, just as it always had been. Something about seeing Jason naturally find Piper in the arena killed any small hope she had. Instead of having someone to rely on, she found herself without many friends at the Roman camp.

Hazel Levesque returned to Camp Jupiter and Frank and they became closer than ever. The amount of fear that Frank's absence caused her made her realize how much she loved him. Together, they were happy to lead the camp beside Reyna.

Frank Zhang, along with Hazel, made sure that everyone heard their story, to ensure that something like it would never happen again. Soon, the entire Roman camp knew their tale of how brutal war could truly be.

Nico di Angelo was greatly startled at seeing his dead sister in the arena. It made him realize just how alone he really was. Will tried to help, but his attempts never fully worked. Instead, Nico found himself healing after raising the ghosts of Bella Marquess, Ari Sanchez, and others who had cruelly died in the games.

Leo Valdez found Calypso safe and sound at the camp. He no longer felt like he was the seventh wheel. Finally, the son of Hephaestus had found a place of his own. Leo spent many weeks trying to invent something that would cancel out the effects of the River Lethe, but to no avail. So he focused entirely on his friends afterwards.

Jason Grace decided to go back and forth to both the Greek and Roman camps, Piper staying at his side. No matter where he went, she followed him. They spent as much time as possible training and seeing their friends, making sure to create more memories that would be difficult to forget.

Piper McLean followed her boyfriend around the country, but only after she located her father. Only after she made sure that he was okay with her "new" boyfriend did she travel with him. Together, they inspired many younger children of Aphrodite that love was not a weakness.

Annabeth Chase was distraught after the games, but she never let it show. She led classes at Camp Half-Blood and made sure to connect with the younger campers so that they would never feel alone like she sometimes used to. Every night, she would sleep with Percy, safely together.

Percy Jackson endured just like he was so used to. Annabeth was always there to help, and together, they got back on their feet. He waited to go to Camp Jupiter, wanting to stay at his favorite place in the world for just a little bit longer. Every night, he would sleep with Annabeth, comforted by the thought that nothing there could hurt her.

Together, all of the demigods healed each other in the way that only other humans can. The things that destroy us are the things that happen when our loved ones aren't with us.

We made it. It was a long ride, but it was fun. And I couldn't have done it without you, the reader. All of everyone's support and love motivated me to finish this story. Thank you Intellectual-Punk, nerd-a-licious101, and travestiously for being my biggest/craziest fans. Your comments made me laugh so much. Thank you to everyone who bothered to read my fanfiction. Thank you for the comments, likes, and views. And for the last time, goodbye. Not really, since I have a hundred other fanfics, plus you can't get rid of me that easily. For the last time, thank you!

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