a bad day after

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Kurt POV
Today seems to be the wrist day from I woke up. While driving to work my car broke down, so I had to let my brother drove me to my dinner to get something to eat. While I was going into the dinner a girl spills her coffee on my shirt. While going to work I met in traffic and that caused me to miss an important meeting. Now I'm in my office searching for a file and can't find it. " Kayley can you get into my office " I shouted to the way I'm pissed right now. She came in with the most pleasant smile. I think this woman has something to do with my file. From I hired her my life became a living hell. I bet she enjoys watching all that. But I will not give her the satisfaction. It seems that when I threaten her bad all these bad things happen to me. So I'm just going to treat her nice for all this to cool off and when she feels as if I've given up. I'll go back to my old ways. " yes sir" she asked. " have you seen my file on Mr Jones anywhere. It important that I find that file. So could you help me look for it please " I said nicely? She looks at me with shock when she heard me say please. But after a couple of seconds, she starts to help me look for the file. When I found the file and was leaving I turn to her and said. " Kayley I would like if you would a company me to dinner tonight ". She was silent her face look shocking. But she still says yes. Now I got the ball in my court and I'm only doing this to get all these bad things that are happening to me to stop. Only a matter of time I'll go back to my usual self. She better enjoy it while it lasts. Because when I stop being nice to her I'm going to treat her worst than I did when she started working here.

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Sorry that I took so long to update.

The billionaire (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz