finding out that I'm pregnant

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Kayle pov

just as I woke up, I felt the urge to vomit so I rush to the bathroom and up came all the food that I had eaten last night. This has been happening for a while now. I rinsed out my mouth and brush my teeth and headed downstairs for breakfast. "Kayley honey you been a little pale for a while now and been throwing up. I think you need to see a doctor!" said aunty jane, I knew she was right so I conceded to her " I will because today I have some off work, okay aunt jane". So after breakfast I went to the doctor's office .ms West said the doctor," I would just like to say congratulations you're going to be a mother" he said leaving me into shock " what" I said to confirm if what he said was true
"You're going to be a mother," he said. " how far along am I," I said. "Well your three weeks pregnant," he said. I told him to thank him and went home. Where I saw my aunt on the porch. "So what did the doctor say," she asked. "Well I'm pregnant," I said. "So are you going to tell the father," she asked? Which brought back memories I want to forget about that jerk. "No, he doesn't deserve to know," I said in anger. "Sweetheart I don't know what happened between you two but you should tell him. Because your child is going to need his or her father" she said in a sad voice. " my child doesn't need him and he or she will be fine without him" I said. As I was going inside I heard her say "try to think about it". I went up to my room and take a nap. When I woke up I went downstairs to see my grandmother cook mash potatoes and Alfredo chicken. As she saw me, she shared my food. "Eat up because you're now eating for two," she said with a smile on her face. " how did you know and I didn't tell u grands"I asked. " as I always say you guy can't anything from this old lady," she said while sharing my grandpa, aunt and her food. A couple of minutes later they came and had their lunch " I heard there's going to be a new addition to this family. So I was thinking of making a crib for the little one" said grandpa. "Yes and thank you, grandpa," I said and finish eating my food. After I went to Carmen house. " I got good news for you. You're going to be an au, not," I said with a smile on my face. "Your pregnant," she asked to confirm that I am I gave her a nod and she hugs me up. Then she asked " are you going to tell that jerk," she said. Why everyone keeps on asking me that. " I don't know," I said. "Well if you are let me know because I want to go and give him a piece of my mind for hurting my friend," she said like she plans to kill someone. I just sat on the couch wonder if he deserves to know.

Will she tell him or not? Or will she keep it from him?

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