his proposal

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Kurt pov
I don't believe what she had said. So I went to my hotel room and made a call to my private investigator. To get me some information. I'm not going home until I find out the truth.

A couple of days later I got the information from my private investigator and based on how far along she is. I calculated the day and I add up to the time. I slept with her. So I took out my phone and call dad.

"Hello, son what do you want," he said. I didn't expect anything less because I only call him when I need advice. "Well you see I slept with a girl and now she pregnant" he cut me off by saying " and you call for advice. Son, how can you be careless? Do you know what this can do to your reputation? To solve this problem, you need to get married to her. Have you forgotten what happened last time with that last woman and now this. Do you ever think before you do things" he shouted angrily.

" I'm sorry I'll talk to her about it I got to go," I said. Just great now I have to marry her. I doubt she will say yes. But I just got the dress and went to her home and knock on the door and an old lady opens the door. I'm guessing she must be her grandmother.

"How can I help you," she said with the old lady. "I'm here to see Kayley. Is she home" I said politely. "Not to be rude but what are you to her," she asked puzzled. "Well I'm the father of her unborn child," I said. " well why didn't Kayley told me that you were coming. Come inside you can sit down and wait for her. She'll be back soon. Do you want anything to drink" she asked and I nod my head to show that I don't need anything?

A couple of minutes later the door open and there she was looking at me shocked and angry. She looks around. Like she was looking if anyone was in sight. " What are you doing here. Didn't I made a point that I didn't want to see your face again" she said. "Well, I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here to talk about our baby" I said and she looked like she was about to say something. So I stop her by saying "and don't you dare say it's not my child because I know it's mine. So sit down". She looks like she's about to panic and she opens her mouth and said "please don't take away my baby and I'm sorry I lied" she began to cry.

"I'm not going to take away your baby if u agree to my proposal," I said with a grin of satisfaction. "What proposal," she asked. " I would like us to get married," I said. She looked at me shocked. "You must be joking. I marry you. That will never happen" she said and start to laugh. " laugh all you want it's either you married to me or I take my child and ruin your life. Your decision you have until tomorrow afternoon. Here's my number call me when u change your mind. Also, have a nice day.

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