finding out the gender

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Kayley POV

Right now I'm here eating breakfast with my husband and I can't wait for my appointment because I'm going to find out my baby gender. " I have to go to the office now honey," he said and kiss my head. What? Is he planning to work and not come with me to go to know his baby gender? I start to get angry "so work is more important than knowing your child gender," I said poking his chest with my index finger.
"No. I'll be here to pick you up when the little before. So calm down dear ok" he said. " then what's the need to go to the office then. You can go after" I said with my arms folded across my chest. "Well, I'm going to go in and sort out something. So we can spend the day at my parent's house okay" he said. That made me happy to know that he plans to take a day off.

Now we are at the doctor office. "So Mr and Mrs Mendez I guess you here to check up on the baby and to know the baby gender," said the doctor. "Yes," said the both of us "okay Mrs Mendez lay down and lift your shirt. This is going to be cold," said the doctor. "Okay as you both can see the baby is very healthy and congratulations you're going to have a boy," he said. And just smile he seems happy that's it's a boy.

After leaving the doctor office we are on our way to his parent's house. "I'm so glad that's it's a boy and me great​full that you're the mother of my child," he said while smiling. I didn't say anything I just kept on looking out the window.
When we got to the house his mother came and hug me " dear it's been a long time I haven't seen you two" I said in a sad tone. " mom I've been busy that why" said Kurt " that still doesn't mean that you can't visit your mother". Said his mother "well we have good news which will cheer you up. But let's go inside" he said gesturing for us to go inside.
When we got inside his dad just came back. " What a lovely surprise to see you here son. What has brought you here today" said his dad. I know he only says that because we rarely visit them. They must miss their children. " well we got good news as it relates to your grandchild. " he said and their mood lightens up. "Well tell us," they said eagerly " well we went to find out the gender of the baby," I said. "So what's the gender of my grandchild," said his mother " well it's a boy" as he said that his mother squeal. "Thank you now we have an heir for the company," said his dad and hug me.

I excused my self to call me a family to give them the news. They were happy to hear that it was a boy. Because my family is full of mostly girls. I wish my parents were still alive.
When I got back in the room Mrs Mendez told me she's planning to have a baby shower for me.

When we got home we had our dinner. Kurt told me we need to start to come up with a name for our son.


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